Five Cardiff students of German awarded summer school scholarship by the DAAD
20 Mai 2013

Five Cardiff students of German awarded summer school scholarship by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).
Every year German departments at universities in the UK can nominate up to six academically brilliant students per university for the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD’s summer course scholarships. Successful candidates get the chance to study on three-to four-week summer courses at institutions of higher education all over Germany between July and September. The courses range from courses focussing on German language and literature to courses on contemporary German studies. This year’s applicants had a choice between 355 courses in 75 locations all over Germany. The DAAD awards a grant of € 850 as a contribution to the course fees and living expenses. The German Section has been participating in the program for many years and supports students in preparing their applications. This year from the six nominations we put forward Lauren Boyd Rowena Sefton Rosie-Jayne Day Ellen Warren and Ellen Dean were successful and have chosen courses in Berlin Stuttgart Leipzig and Munich.
Further information on the summer courses can be found on the DAAD.