School of Mathematics organise successful Careers Fair for students
12 Mawrth 2020

The future is bright for students at the Cardiff School of Mathematics as they have boosted their employment prospects at a Maths Careers Fair organised by the School.
A host of leading companies from across industry including Admiral, Teach First, ONS (Office for National Statistics), Welsh Government, Network Rail and Welsh Water visited the School of Mathematics to speak with students about the career opportunities they have to offer.
As well as graduate roles, students could also enquire about placement opportunities and internships. There were also PhD students in attendance at the annual event to ensure that any students wishing to pursue further study could also have their questions answered.
Cellan Hall, MSc Data Science and Analytics student found the Careers Fair very useful: “Everyone has been supportive, positive and friendly so it’s been really good.

Companies have been showing a lot of interest in what we are doing – Data Science is very popular at the moment. When companies are passionate about what they do and that comes across when you talk to them, it makes you want to apply even more.”
Fellow MSc Data Science and Analytics student Annie Nieh added: “It’s much more useful talking to people rather than browsing through websites; I have a specific goal when I talk to them and can ask specific questions.”
And it’s not just the students who found the event beneficial; Matthew Owen, Data Scientist at Admiral said: “We have had very good links with the University and lots of successful applications to Admiral. We trust the students to come from the Uni to be of a high standard. We have had lots of interest in our different roles, and with many of our teams expanding it is great to see so many enthusiastic students showing an interest.”
The School holds regular Careers events and talks throughout the year to assist students with placement and graduate role applications. Contact Joanna Emery for further details.