Ymchwil ar gyfer busnes, cymdeithas a chymunedau
20 Hydref 2019

The impact of Cardiff Business School’s research was brought into focus during the summer when the Welsh Government Minister for Education outlined how Universities can help to improve economic, environmental and social wellbeing in Wales.
In front of an audience of academics, business leaders, third-sector professionals and policymakers, Kirsty Williams AM spoke about the challenges, opportunities and significance of the education sector for the communities, companies and citizens of Wales.
An advocate of the School’s Public Value purpose, the Minister explained that economic, social and environmental responsibilities now form the cornerstones of Welsh Government’s National Mission on education reform.
The Minister’s introduction set the agenda for the day’s line-up of Public Value insights from collaborative research in the areas of work and employment, organisations and public policy.
The Future of Work
Professors Melanie Jones and Vicki Wass were the first to present findings from their collaborative research project with Disability Rights UK. The project, entitled Disability@Work, has examined issues relating to the disability employment gap since 2016.
Melanie Jones, a Professor of Economics at Cardiff Business School, said:

"Rydym ni'n ymchwilwyr meintiol, felly rydym ni wedi gwneud llawer o waith yn tracio cyfraddau cyflogaeth unigolion anabl, gan ddal y llywodraeth yn atebol ar rai o'u hymrwymiadau."
Professor Jones explained how the project has led the research team to look beyond employment to examine the wider workplace and the role of the employer. In doing so, the team has identified disability pay gaps and disability job satisfaction gaps through exchanging evidence with Disability Rights UK.
Dr Alison Parken OBE, Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Cardiff Business School, followed Professors Jones and Wass as she shared her research story on the gender pay gap.
Leading the Women Adding Value to the Economy project (WAVE), Dr Parken’s extensive research has built an evidence base for promoting socio-economic equality through policy-making and in organisational practices.
A collaborative research project with public sector employers, WAVE has examined gender pay disparities and how these are sustained by occupational segregation.

"Rydym ni wedi gweithio gyda chyflogwyr sector cyhoeddus i'w helpu i ddeall sut i wneud y dadansoddiad cyflogaeth a thâl hwn, a sut y byddai'r dadansoddiad cyfunol hwnnw'n dangos iddyn nhw beth yw sbardunau'r bylchau cyflog yn eu strwythur cyflogaeth."
Ed Heery, Professor of Employment Relations at Cardiff Business School, wrapped up the morning’s proceedings on the future of work.
He presented research on real living wage accreditation conducted in collaboration with colleagues Drs Deborah Hann and David Nash, and the Living Wage Foundation.
Professor Heery shared findings on the impact of accreditation for employers and employees, sharing some of the reasons employers choose to pay the Living Wage, an assessment of the business benefits and reflection on the positive effects for low-wage workers.

"Yn nodweddiadol, rydym ni'n cael yr effaith hwn ar gyflogwyr unigol sy'n ystyried ymrwymo i'r cyflog byw, drwy gyrff ac unigolion yn ymgyrchu, gan gynnwys y Gynghrair Tlodi, Share Action, Oxfam, gwleidyddion a phleidiau gwleidyddol ynghyd ag awdurdodau cyhoeddus."
The Future of Organisations
Dr Jonathan Gosling began the afternoon session discussing innovative procurement and delivery approaches for major construction projects.
He presented research carried out in collaboration with colleague Professor Mohammed Naim and partners across the highways and operations sectors, which aims to enhance procurement capability in organisations.

"Mae'r dull rydym ni wedi gweithio ynddo'n gydweithredol iawn o ran ein bod yn dod â'n partneriaid diwydiannol i mewn i'r broses academaidd. Mae hyn yn rhoi gwell cyfle i ni gael effaith gan ganiatáu i ni lywio egwyddorion caffael a'r modelau masnachol yn uniongyrchol - yn enwedig yn nhermau llywodraethu da, trefniadau cydweithredol tymor hir a datgelu gwybodaeth yn llawn, sydd oll yn her wirioneddol i natur wrthwynebus y broses gaffael."
Professor Calvin Jones, Dean for Public Value and External Relations, followed Dr Gosling’s presentation by addressing a very different industrial sector as he gave a personal project evaluation on renewable electricity transition in Wales.
Professor Jones highlighted a project carried out in collaboration with the Institute of Welsh Affairs which sought to establish a plan for Wales’ renewable energy future.
Re-energising Wales, brought together thinkers from industry, academia, government and local communities to find and address the barriers that are slowing down renewable energy developments and look at opportunities to support growth.
In doing so, the project created a practical plan for Wales to move to 100% renewable energy by 2035.

"Mae dull cyd-greadigol y prosiect hwn yn ennyn canlyniadau diddordol sy'n berthnasol i bolisi, sy’n ymddangos yn sgil uno partneriaid o ddiwydiant, academaidd, melinau trafod ac eraill. Mae hyn yn hynod o ddifyr."
The Future of Public Policy
The final session of case studies saw Professor James Downe address the research impact of knowledge brokering in his role as Director of Research at the Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP).
Professor Downe outlined the WCPP’s role in supporting government and public services to access, interpret and apply evidence to improve policymaking and delivery.
He shared two examples of where the Centre’s collaborative research has helped make a difference; in youth homelessness and the Invest to Save scheme, both matters at the forefront of the Welsh Government agenda.

"Mae pwysigrwydd cynnwys gweinidogion a chyd-greu'r cwestiynau ar ddechrau'r broses yn hanfodol. Er eu bod yn dod gyda chwestiwn penodol, mae'n golygu bod modd newid drwy sgwrs, a'r cyfnod cwmpasu. Mae hyn yn creu proses fwy cadarn ar gyfer llunio polisïau yng Nghymru."
Professor Rachel Ashworth, Dean of Cardiff Business School, completed the event’s case study showcase.
A collaboration between Cardiff Business School, Public Governance Wales, Centre for Public Scrutiny, Gwent Local Authorities and Welsh Government, the project aims to build capacity for public accountability in Wales and to support local councillors with their task of scrutinising powerful regional partnerships, such as education consortia
Professor Ashworth explained that support from the Welsh Government and the ESRC, had enabled the co-design of a practical handbook outlining a ‘Step-by-Step Approach to Joint Scrutiny’ for use by councillors, managers and partners across England and Wales.
Reflecting on the launch of the latest edition of the handbook by the Welsh Government Communities Minister Julie James in June 2019, Professor Ashworth outlined the need to continue to ensure a wider engagement in the accountability process in Wales.

"Mae angen i ni wneud yn siŵr fod gennym ni ragor o bartneriaid yn y broses atebolrwydd hon. Mae cynghorwyr yn cynrychioli pobl leol, ond mae gennym ni hefyd amrywiaeth o rhanddeiliaid sydd angen cymryd rhan."
Public Value: challenges and opportunities
Formal proceedings were brought to an end with a panel discussion, which considered the challenges and opportunities of delivering Public Value in public, private and third sector organisations.
Chaired by Professor Gillian Bristow, Cardiff University’s Dean of Research for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, it was an opportunity to reflect on the event’s presentations and hear the thoughts and opinions of Gerwin Nijeboer, Senior Manager at EY, Carol Ann Scott, Museums Consultant, Martin Kitchener, Professor of Public Sector Management and Policy at Cardiff Business School and Professor Peter Murphy, Director of the Public Policy and Management Research Group at Nottingham Business School.
Measuring things that matter
The event also marked the launch of a new book edited by Professor Martin Kitchener and Dr Nicole Koenig-Lewis together with colleagues Professors John Brewer, Queen’s University Belfast, Adam Lindgreen, Copenhagen Business School, Mark Moore, Harvard Kennedy School and Timo Meynhardt, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.
Entitled Public Value: Deepening, Enriching, and Broadening the Theory and Practice, the collection shows how Public Value has grown beyond its original focus on public sector management.
Across three sections the idea is examined by academics, consultants and practitioners in disciplines like sociology, policy, operations and supply, marketing and entrepreneurship, finance and human resources and across case studies drawn from culture and heritage, education and training, charities and NGOs.
Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales closed the day by marking the book’s release with a short address presenting Wales as the legislative and academic home of thinking of value beyond money.
Referencing New Zealand’s wellbeing budget and the work of social enterprises like Big Moose Coffee Co., she championed the idea of measuring things that matter and praised the academic text for offering tools and techniques for doing so.
Find out more about the book and buy or rent it in hardback and ebook formats on Routledge’s website.