New CSRI Video Featuring Neil Basu, Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner
5 Chwefror 2019

The Crime and Security Research Institute were honoured to welcome Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner of Specialist Operations, Mr Neil Basu to Cardiff to deliver the Institute’s inaugural Distinguished Lecture.
Mr Basu represents Counter-Terrorism (CT) Policing in its engagement with Government on operational and policy issues associated with tackling terrorism, espionage and proliferation. This portfolio also includes responsibility for the investigation of war crimes, Official Secrets Act offences and the protection of VIPs, Royals, Embassies and Parliament.
He has been commended 10 times during his career for bravery, leadership and detective ability, including two Commissioner’s Commendations. He was awarded the Queen’s Police Medal (QPM) for Distinguished Service in the 2016 Birthday Honours List.
During 2017 Britain suffered a series of terrorist attacks in which 36 people lost their lives, beginning with the Westminster Bridge attack in March and quickly followed by the Manchester suicide bombing; the London Bridge and Finsbury Park attacks, and the Parsons Green bombing. 2017 was the most challenging year for the police and security services for decades with the highest number of terror-related arrests since records began in 2001. The current threat level for the UK from international terrorism remains SEVERE.
Mr Basu shared insights into the background to these events and the unprecedented demands they present to Counter-Terrorism Policing. He discussed the government's recently updated counter-terror strategy CONTEST, which provides a strategic framework for reducing the threat of both domestic and international terrorism, based around four work streams: Prevent; Pursue; Protect and Prepare.