Professor Hutchings Presented with CBE
13 Rhagfyr 2018

Professor Graham Hutchings, Regius Professor of Physical Chemistry at Cardiff University and Director of the Cardiff Catalysis Institute, presented with CBE for chemistry and innovation.
In a ceremony today, Prof Hutchings was presented with his CBE by HRH the Prince of Wales. This award highlights Prof Hutchings place as one of the world’s pre-eminent figures in the field of catalysis, and the substantial contribution his research has made to society which have had a genuine impact on our everyday lives.

Professor Hutchings’ most notable discovery is that gold is a remarkable catalyst for certain reactions, most specifically for the production of vinyl chloride, the main ingredient of the world’s most commonly used plastic, PVC. As a direct result of his research, a gold catalyst is now being manufactured by UK chemicals company Johnson Matthey at a purpose-built facility in China - the first time in over 50 years that a complete overhaul in catalyst formulation has been implemented to produce a commodity chemical.
Testament to the impact of Professor Hutchings’ research, he has been given several high-profile awards and honours throughout his career. In 2009 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society – the highest honour for a UK scientist – and received the Royal Society’s prestigious Davy Medal in 2013.