Brain stimulation Research Fellow highlight
12 Rhagfyr 2018
Research fellows are a vital part of CUBRIC's scientific workforce, and one researcher in particular is making waves in the world of brain stimulation.
Dr Chris Allen utilises non-invasive brain stimulation techniques such as TMS and tES to activate neurons in the brain, which allows for the study of perception, attention and cognition. In a recent study, Chris combined TMS and MEG as a way in which to investigate the relationship between brain activity and cognitive control.
Dr Chris Allen is part of the Cardiff Cognition and Neurostimulation Group.
Rhannu’r stori hon
Rydym yn gartref i sganiwr MRI mwyaf pwerus Ewrop, yn ogystal ag offer ysgogi ymennydd, labordai cysgu a chyfleusterau treialu cyffuriau.