Orkidstudio – Zambia Design for Health project 2016
7 Ionawr 2016

Our ongoing collaboration with humanitarian design organisation Orkidstudio and Cardiff University's Global Opportunity Centre will continue in 2016 with the design and construction of new facilities for the Sachibondu Health Centre in Zambia.
The project considers the impact of good design on health and well being and will challenge students to grapple with issues facing health care provision in remote and deprived communities. The project is aimed at bringing together Cardiff University staff and students from creative and scientific backgrounds, in particular architecture, engineering and medicine.
Students will engage with on-site construction work, with a strong focus on medical practice and analysis (research and practice-based) into the relationship between design and healthcare.
Volunteering opportunity (£500 Bursary)
Africa Opportunities talk with Orkidstudio and Cardiff University Global Opportunity Centre, Thursday 14th April, 6.30pm Main Building Council Chamber
We’re delighted to announce that the call for volunteers for Orkidstudio’s Sachibondu Health Centre in Mwinilunga, Zambia which will run from 11 June to 9 July 2016 has been extended due to confirmation from Cardiff University’s Global Opportunity Centre that they will support a £500 bursary for each volunteer. This opportunity is open to all undergraduate Cardiff University students, with a particular call to students in Architecture (including MArch I and II), Engineering, and Medicine.
The Welsh School of Architecture’s (WSA) ongoing collaboration with humanitarian design organisation Orkidstudio, founded by WSA graduate James Mitchell, and Cardiff University’s Global Opportunity Centre will continue in 2016 with the design and construction of new facilities for the Sachibondu Health Centre in Zambia. The project considers the impact of good design on health and well being and will challenge students to grapple with issues facing health care provision in remote and deprived communities. The project is aimed at bringing together Cardiff University staff and students from creative and scientific backgrounds, in particular architecture, engineering and medicine.
Students will engage with on-site construction work, with a strong focus on medical practice and analysis (research and practice-based) into the relationship between design and healthcare. WSA staff member Dr Kathryn Wilkinson will participate in the project alongside Orkidstudio.
To volunteer, or to find out more, contact https://orkidstudio.co.uk/join-us/, or join Cardiff University’s Global Opportunity Centre and Orkidstudio in Main Building Council Chamber at 6.30pm on Thursday 14th April (facebook event page on Cardiff University Global Opportunity Centre).