Heading Underground with Tales for London
26 Mawrth 2018

Creative Writing lecturer and author pens short story in innovative series for commuters everywhere
Creative Writing lecturer Tyler Keevil is one of twelve authors to have created new stories inspired by the Underground for a new initiative in the capital.
His story Worm on a Hook follows on the heels of the opening story by Lionel Shriver. In his funny, wince-inducing family caper along the central line, a careless father walks his toddler into a pillar while rushing for a train, then faces embarrassment and desperation as they try valiantly to find a hospital.
The short stories in Underground: Tales for London project distill the sweat and tears of the daily commute, along with the occasional magic of a Tube journey. Lives intersect and overlap, small kindnesses are exchanged, flirtatious eyes are caught, and journeys sometimes take commuters much further than they expected. The initiative is run jointly by The Borough Press and The Evening Standard with all stories available online.
Tyler Keevil is the award-winning author of three novels and lectures in creative writing at Cardiff University. His latest novel, No Good Brother, is available now.
Underground: Tales for London project stories are available weekly with The Evening Standard. The complete series of stories will appear in an anthology to be published by The Borough Press this autumn.