‘Dysgu am Fywyd’ yn 10 mlwydd oed
11 Mehefin 2015

The School's highly successful "Learn About Life" event for local primary schools celebrated its 10th anniversary last week. During the last 10 years, more than 200 researchers and undergraduate students have engaged well over 2,000 nine to eleven year old pupils with a wide range of short workshops which bring the biosciences to life.
Studying their own cheek cells up close, creating unique people based on their DNA code, exploring when and why snot is green and discovering the mysterious habits of migratory birds are just some of the inspiring activities experienced by the young people on their visits to the Sir Martin Evans Building.
"Learn about Life" has attracted visits from two Welsh Assembly ministers - Lesley Griffiths AM (Deputy Minister for Science, Innovation and Skills) and Jane Davidson AM (Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning).
The event has also gained prestigious awards in recognition of its educational value, impact and ability to inspire youngsters. Firstly, judges from the BBSRC Excellence with Impact 2011 competition awarded the event a particular commendation and secondly it won "Most Valued Partner 2009 - 2010" award from Career Wales Cardiff and Vale Education Business Partnership (who have been a long term sponsor of the event).
In addition, "Learn about Life" has been awarded external funding and/or sponsorship from a variety of other sources including the Welsh Assembly, RCUK, the Royal Society, the Physiological Society and the British Science Association.
Mrs Sian Burt, a teacher at Marlborough Primary School, said "I would just like to pass on our thanks to you and your colleagues / students for an absolutely wonderful, interesting, educational and FUN day at the university. The pupils were totally engaged throughout the whole day and loved every single session. [Our] science coordinator, Mrs McGirr, was extremely impressed with the content of the sessions."