Community economic resilience
26 Chwefror 2018

The results of a survey on community economic resilience in the Cardiff Capital Region have been published by the City Region Exchange.
In 2017 CRE commissioned a representative telephone survey of 1,000 city-region residents, to better understand residents' perceptions of - and responses to - local economic conditions. In a newly published report based on its findings, we note a pervasive sense of economic uncertainty and limited optimism for future prospects. Despite this, there remains a strong attachment by households to the place where they live.
The report highlights the limited role perceived by households for local and national government at times of economic difficulty, and illustrates some of the strategies reported by households for dealing with economic setbacks.
The findings underscore the benefit that residents' strong attachment to place potentially brings to the region, and the report concludes with a call to our region's policy-makers to recognise the importance for resilience-building of better understanding community members' attitudes and actions.
Economic Resilience in Our Communities is available now to download from the City Region Exchange website.