CITER Research Committee: Imaging Workshop 2018
9 Ionawr 2018
A CITER Imaging workshop was held on Monday 8 January 2018 at Hadyn Ellis Buiding, Cardiff University. The workshop showcased the world-class research facilities and projects at Cardiff University involved with the imaging of cells, tissues and humans.
Almost seventy people attended the event including Cardiff University academics, students, those external to Cardiff University with an interest in imaging, external speaker Professor Alan Breen from Bournemouth University and our sponsors Carl Zeiss Ltd, Gatan UK and GT Vision.
A keynote lecture was given from Professor Breen who presented his work on musculoskeletal research: "individualised assessment of aberrant intervertebral mechanics". Throughout the day talks were given by CITER members and colleagues from each research facility illustrated with examples of the research that has been carried out within them. The facilities included Cardiff University Brain Imaging Centre, the Wales Research and Diagnostic Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Centre (PETIC), the Arthritis Research UK Musculoskeletal Laboratory and Human Factors Laboratory in the School of Engineering, the Research Centre for Clinical Kinaesiology in the School of Healthcare Sciences. Also the Vivat Scientia Bioimaging Laboratories (VSBL) and other facilities in the Schools of Biosciences, and Optometry and Vision Sciences.
Many thanks to our sponsors Carl Zeiss Ltd, Gatan UK and GT Vision and to Carl Zeiss Ltd for sponsoring the best image competition. Congratulations to David Williams who was awarded the prize for the best image.
![Best Image Prize](
The workshop was well received, feedback includes;
"Insight into several forms of imaging - very fascinating"
"A great overview of the imaging opportunities in Cardiff University and many collaboration opportunities"
".....interesting talks using imaging techniques".
Thanks to Dr Susan Peirce (the School of Engineering) and Dr Geraint Parfitt (the School of Optometry and Vision Sciences) for organising this workshop. The next research workshop is being held on 14 May and the topic is Biofilms: Finding Solutions for Sticky Problems. Registration is now open, for more information please contact;