50th Anniversary Florence Nightingale Commemoration Service
8 Mai 2015

The Florence Nightingale Foundation celebrated the Golden Jubilee of its Commemoration Service at Westminster Abbey on Wednesday, 6th May with over 2,000 people. The 50th Anniversary welcomed student nurses and midwives from Cardiff University, University of Bangor, Swansea University and University of South Wales to the abbey to escort the traditional and symbolic Procession of the Lamp.
The service is held annually to celebrate nursing and midwifery and all staff, both qualified and unqualified, working in these services.

Hannah Sullivan student nurse who attended on behalf of Cardiff University School of Healthcare Sciences tells us more 'I was one of the students who took part in the Florence Nightingale Commemoration Day as part of the Student Procession. I had a fantastic day and it felt like a real privilege to be able to help celebrate Florence Nightingale's life in such an event. It was an honour to wear our uniforms with pride and to know that we are the next breed of nurses. We represented ourselves and hopefully the university appropriately throughout the whole day.'