Ewch i’r prif gynnwys



Pathway to a Degree in Politics and International Relations

7 Ionawr 2015

Centre for Lifelong Learning offers new opportunity for adults.


Caerdydd yn y pump uchaf o ran rhagoriaeth ymchwil

18 Rhagfyr 2014

Ymchwil o’r radd flaenaf yn sicrhau’r pumed safle i Gaerdydd yn nhabl prifysgolion y DU

Children create ebola comics

Comics created to help prevent the spread of Ebola

6 Tachwedd 2014

Young people in West Africa illustrate key messages for communities.

Cardiff Hosts International Rugby Stars

Caerdydd yn cynnal sêr rygbi rhyngwladol

31 Hydref 2014

Wrth i gyfres o gemau rhyngwladol rygbi’r undeb yr hydref ddechrau'r penwythnos hwn, bydd Prifysgol Caerdydd yn croesawu pedwar o dimau gorau’r byd o hemisffer y de wrth iddyn nhw baratoi ar gyfer eu gemau yn erbyn Cymru.

Saving lives in Nambia

Sharing knowledge to save lives in Namibia

23 Hydref 2014

Expertise provided by Cardiff University can save lives and make a difference in sub-Saharan Africa, says Namibia’s Deputy Health and Social Services Minister.

Grange Gardens

Trawsnewid bywydau gyda chynllun cymunedol mwyaf uchelgeisiol y Brifysgol erioed

21 Hydref 2014

Mae pum prosiect i drawsnewid bywydau o dde Cymru i Affrica is-Sahara wedi cael eu dadorchuddio fel rhan o gynllun mwyaf uchelgeisiol erioed Prifysgol Caerdydd i gymunedau.

Vice-Chancellor welcomes international scholars

21 Hydref 2014

Some of the most academically elite international students have been welcomed to Cardiff University by the Vice-Chancellor having secured prestigious scholarships to study here.

Professor Ralph Martin

Cardiff Professor receives People’s Republic of China Friendship Award

7 Hydref 2014

Prof Raph Martin receives Friendship Award for contribution to academia.

Times Higher Education Rankings

Cardiff confirms place in world’s top 225 universities

1 Hydref 2014

Cardiff has retained its position in the world’s top 225 universities

Chinese New Year 2013

8 Chwefror 2013

Cardiff Confucius Institute joins Welsh celebrations.