Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol

basketball team

Choosing active role models to inspire girls

4 Chwefror 2016

New study aims to provide sustained changes in physical activity and increase awareness of cancer-preventative behaviours in girls

Nuffield Foundation logo

The best route out of poverty?

1 Chwefror 2016

New study on in-work poverty and policy in the UK

William Aled Jones

Trechu tlodi plant yng Nghymru

27 Ionawr 2016

Cynhadledd yn cyflwyno'r canfyddiadau diweddaraf

 teenagers infront of graffiti wall

Ymdeimlad cadarnhaol ymhlith pobl ifanc ym Merthyr Tudful

27 Ionawr 2016

Research reveals perceptions of stigmatised locations

BERA research commissions logo

Challenging deficit models of poverty

19 Ionawr 2016

Research event will challenge the increasing tendency of policy-makers to treat poverty as the fault of specific groups or individuals

The Refusal of Work book cover

The Refusal of Work

13 Ionawr 2016

New publication explores the theory and practice of resistance to work

Donald Forrester. Credit: University of Bedfordshire

Ymchwilydd dylanwadol ym maes gwaith cymdeithasol yn ymuno â'r Brifysgol

8 Ionawr 2016

Mae un o ymchwilwyr mwyaf blaenllaw'r DU ym maes gwaith cymdeithasol wedi ymuno â'r Brifysgol, a bydd yn helpu i ddatblygu ei henw da ymhellach o ran effaith a rhagoriaeth ymchwil yn y gwyddorau cymdeithasol.

Front cover of new Bourdieu book

Bourdieu: The Next Generation

7 Ionawr 2016

PhD student co-edits book on applying influential sociologist’s work to contemporary issues

Recognising outstanding contribution to teaching practice

6 Ionawr 2016

Students enrolled on the Masters in Educational Practice (MEP) in the School of Social Sciences will now have the opportunity to win a new award for the outstanding teacher inquiry report submitted as part of their final research projects.

Social sciences grafiti wall

Mynd i'r afael ag aflonyddu rhywiol

3 Rhagfyr 2015

Canllaw newydd i bobl ifanc ar ffyrdd diogel a chreadigol o hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb rhwng y rhywiau i sicrhau perthynas barchus

Students outside glamorgan

Caerdydd ymhlith yr ymchwil flaenllaw o Gymru a arddangosir

25 Tachwedd 2015

Digwyddiad i ddathlu’r gwyddorau cymdeithasol mewn cymdeithas

Healthy breakfast

Brecwast da, graddau da?

17 Tachwedd 2015

Astudiaeth newydd yn dangos cysylltiadau cadarnhaol arwyddocaol rhwng bwyta brecwast a chanlyniadau addysgol

Child Research

Heriau addysgol i blant sy'n derbyn gofal yng Nghymru

11 Tachwedd 2015

Astudiaeth yn amlygu'r ffaith mai dim ond 8% o'r plant sy'n derbyn gofal sy'n parhau i brifysgol

people walking in corridor blurred colours

Y Brifysgol i arddangos rôl y gwyddorau cymdeithasol yn y gymdeithas

9 Tachwedd 2015

Rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau i ddathlu Gŵyl Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol y DU gyfan.

ESRC Festival logo

ESRC Festival of Social Science

3 Tachwedd 2015

The School of Social Sciences has organised a range of events for this year’s ESRC Festival of Social Sciences, a week-long celebration of social sciences across the UK. 

Personalisation in children’s social work

30 Hydref 2015

Study reveals the cultural barriers and practical challenges facing the introduction of personal budgets in children’s social work

Pathway to Social Science

Pathway students welcomed to the School of Social Sciences

12 Hydref 2015

Head of School, Professor Amanda Coffey welcomed six former Pathway to Social Science students to this year’s undergraduate cohort.

Cyber Crime

Wrth i droseddau newid, rhaid newid dulliau plismona hefyd

8 Hydref 2015

Ymchwil newydd yn amlygu "bygythiad difrifol" troseddau economaidd

Building international research collaborations

7 Hydref 2015

A number of our academics have successfully secured Cardiff University International Collaboration Seedcorn funding to support both incoming and outgoing international collaborative research activities; some of which are combined with an international student placement.

State of the Campus, 2015

Students tackle issues close to the heart in State of the Campus project

5 Hydref 2015

For a number of years the School of Sciences has run the ‘State of the Campus’ research project in the first week of term for returning second year students.