Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol

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Troseddau casineb Brexit

9 Chwefror 2017

Mae grant o £250,000 wedi’i ddyfarnu i’r Labordy Gwyddor Data Cymdeithasol er mwyn sefydlu canolfan a fydd yn monitro troseddau atgasedd cysylltiedig â Brexit ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol

Dr Marco Calaresu

Erasmus staff mobility programme brings political science expert to Cardiff

7 Chwefror 2017

Dr Marco Calaresu joins the School under the Erasmus staff exchange programme.

Enriching school holidays

Cyfoethogi gwyliau ysgol

7 Chwefror 2017

raglen Bwyd a Hwyl Prifysgol Caerdydd yn dangos ei bod yn lleihau effaith tlodi ac amddifadedd cymdeithasol

Enabling person in workplace

Lleihau'r bwlch anableddau

22 Rhagfyr 2016

Cynhadledd yn arwain y drafodaeth ynglŷn â'r bwlch cyflogaeth ar gyfer pobl anabl yn y DU

Child behind metal fence

Diffyg hyfforddiant ymhlith athrawon a staff cynorthwyol am sut i fynd i'r afael â 'thabŵ' hunan-niweidio mewn ysgolion

22 Rhagfyr 2016

Prinder amser a hyfforddiant digonol wedi'u hamlygu fel rhwystrau

Pacific Island

Tlodi yng Ngwledydd y Môr Tawel

15 Rhagfyr 2016

Gwella bywydau yn rhai o'r gwledydd mwyaf agored i niwed

Manufacturing equipment sprayed with water


14 Rhagfyr 2016

Defnyddio technegau gêm i wella effeithlonrwydd ynni yn y sector diwydiannol yn Ewrop

Prof Sampson presenting at UP

SIRC in the Philippines

14 Rhagfyr 2016

Director of the Seafarers International Research Center hosted a session at the University of the Philippines (Diliman).

Professor Alan Felstead

Ansawdd bywyd gwaith ym Mhrydain

13 Rhagfyr 2016

Prosiect ymchwil gwerth £1m i ddangos sut mae ansawdd swyddi a sgiliau yn newid

Analyse this

Dadansoddwch hyn

7 Rhagfyr 2016

Dadansoddeg Gymdeithasol yw'r sgil newydd sydd ei angen yn ein byd llawn data

CASS and Martin

CASS visit fosters international research collaboration

2 Rhagfyr 2016

The visit was part of the project “Improving Social Welfare System in China: Urbanisation, Community Development and Social Participation”.

AGENDA Postcard

Herio trais ar sail rhywedd a thrais rhywiol

30 Tachwedd 2016

Canllaw arloesol a luniwyd mewn partneriaeth â phobl ifanc ac ar eu cyfer

Quantitative research book cover

Making Social Work Count

25 Tachwedd 2016

Two professors in the School of Social Sciences are among the co-authors of a new book on quantitative research methods for social work.

Tennis ball on white line

Dyfarnu Diffygiol

24 Tachwedd 2016

Technoleg yn ymosod ar ddyfarnwyr, gan achosi camgymeriadau sy’n dylanwadu ar ganlyniad gemau

Professor WIlliam Housley

Professor awarded prestigious Vincent Wright Chair

21 Tachwedd 2016

The Vincent Wright Chair is a visiting professorship that promotes academic exchanges between France and Britain.

Skills book cover

The 'Age of Over-Qualification'

16 Tachwedd 2016

New book from Professor Caroline Lloyd and Jonathan Payne questions the role of skills in the ‘Age of Over-Qualification'.

Data library

Social Data Science Lab awarded Big Data grant

14 Tachwedd 2016

The new grant from the Economic and Social Research Council will fund the core activities of the Lab over the next 3 years.


Talking and Listening to Children project presents findings

10 Tachwedd 2016

CASCADE recently hosted an event presenting the key findings from their project, “Talking and Listening to Children".

Students in a row at graduation

Innovative engagement project creates bridges to higher education

3 Tachwedd 2016

A partnership between the University and St David's College has led to the development and delivery of sixth form courses in the social sciences while helping to train trainee teachers.


Discussing 'home' on BBC Radio

2 Tachwedd 2016

Dr Rachel Hurdley recently joined radio presenter Lauren Laverne on BBC Woman's Hour to discuss the meanings of ‘home’.