Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion Yr Ysgol Ffiseg a Seryddiaeth

Y Brifysgol yn croesawu cytundeb gwerth £38m ar gyfer Lled-ddargludyddion Cyfansawdd

8 Mai 2017

Deg o gynghorau yn cefnogi Ffowndri Lled-ddargludyddion Cyfansawdd.

Compound semiconductor research equipment

SIOE yn dathlu gwyddoniaeth lled-ddargludyddion

13 Ebrill 2017

Cynhadledd yn ystyried rôl deunyddiau newydd

Satellite circling Earth

Myfyriwr o Gaerdydd mewn cystadleuaeth gan Asiantaeth Ofod y DU

13 Ebrill 2017

Myfyriwr ffiseg, Chloe Hewitt, yn ennill gwobr am ei syniad gwreiddiol i ddefnyddio lloerennau i adnabod adeiladau nad ydynt yn cael eu defnyddio

Compound semiconductor research equipment

£2m i un o ganolfannau'r Brifysgol

27 Chwefror 2017

Nawdd gan Gyngor Ymchwil y Gwyddorau Ffisegol a Pheirianneg (EPSRC) yn atgyfnerthu Canolfan Gweithgynhyrchu Lled-ddargludyddion Cyfansawdd newydd Caerdydd

Annular eclipse

‘Cyfnod arbennig' ar gyfer eclipsau

20 Chwefror 2017

'Eclipsau'r haul yw un o ryfeddodau mwyaf byd natur'

Diamonds on computer display screen

Gwyddonwyr o Gaerdydd yn rhan o brosiect £4m i ddod o hyd i dechnolegau yfory

17 Chwefror 2017

Y Brifysgol yn ymuno a chonsortiwm EPSRC

Richard Lewis receiving his award

Dr Richard Lewis Wins National Instruments Engineering Impact Award

15 Chwefror 2017

Dr Richard Lewis has won a National Instruments Engineering Impact Award for innovative postgraduate teaching.

A group of teachers at the event

Welsh teachers reach for the stars

10 Chwefror 2017

The School of Physics and Astronomy has held its largest-ever teacher training event.

Researcher looking at compound semiconductor

Hwb ariannol o £13m gan yr UE ar gyfer Lled-ddargludyddion Cyfansawdd

30 Ionawr 2017

Bydd y gefnogaeth yn helpu'r gwaith o adeiladu a phrynu cyfarpar ar gyfer ystafell lân y Sefydliad

Simulation of two black holes merging

Gravitational Waves Researchers receive Royal Astronomical Society Award

23 Ionawr 2017

The LIGO team are to be presented with the Group Achievement Award by the RAS.

ER-HWP working principle: upon reflection, the polarization parallel to the wire-grid experiences a phase-shift of 180 degrees, i.e. is reversed in its orientation, whereas the polarisation perpendicular to it stays in the same direction.

New metamaterial device may help detect B-Mode polarization from the CMB

21 Rhagfyr 2016

The metamaterial device may help to discover more about gravitational waves which were emitted when the universe was first formed.

An example of compound semiconductors in action

£10m Award Creates New Compound Semiconductor Hub

5 Rhagfyr 2016

A £10m award announced today puts Cardiff University at the forefront of research into cutting-edge Compound Semiconductor technologies.

The Gravitational Physics team picking up their award.

Gravitational Physicists collect Vice Chancellor’s accolade

25 Tachwedd 2016

The Gravitational Physics Group has been awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Contribution to the University, part of the Celebrating Excellence Awards for 2016.

Gravitational Wave - Artwork

Gwaith celf wedi’i ysbrydoli gan ddarganfyddiad tonnau disgyrchol

24 Tachwedd 2016

Arlunydd o Gaerdydd i ddatgelu paentiad olew newydd sy’n crynhoi canfyddiad nodedig tonnau disgyrchol

Cardiff Physicists represent Wales in prestigious debating competition

11 Tachwedd 2016

Kyle and Jonathan will compete in Oxford this weekend.

The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Paving the way for more efficient solar cell devices

7 Tachwedd 2016

Cardiff researchers have teamed up with UK and international partners to work on new solar power techniques.

Left-to-Right: Chris North, David Mackie, Haley Gomez and Jonathan Dobbs.

Astronomy inspires public park art

28 Hydref 2016

Cardiff academics were guests of honour at the unveiling of 'Constellations' at Channel Heights Housing Development.

Latest NSS reports high student satisfaction

16 Awst 2016

National Student Survey shows student satisfaction at 96% for second year in a row.

Graduate Profile: Mike Green

11 Awst 2016

MPhys graduate Mike shares his experience.

Antikythera Mechanism (Copyright required)

Ymchwil yn bwrw goleuni ar ddyfais hynafol

2 Awst 2016

Mae ymchwilydd o’r Ysgol Ffiseg a Seryddiaeth ynghanol prosiect sy’n bwrw goleuni newydd ar y Ddyfais Antikythera, arteffact 2000 oed y credir mai hi yw’r cyfrifiadur hynaf erioed