Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion Ysgol Fferylliaeth a Gwyddorau Fferyllol


Strategaeth gyffredinol i gynyddu effeithiolrwydd cyffuriau

22 Hydref 2015

Gwyddonwyr yn dylunio dull mwy effeithiol o gyflwyno cyffuriau sy'n targedu celloedd canser a chlefydau eraill.

Baillie at anthrax conference

NATO and the EU support Anthrax Workshop in Georgia

29 Medi 2015

Prof Les Baillie hosts a meeting at the Georgian National Centre to support his work on Anthrax

Venturefest stall with banners and receptionist

Arloeswr o Brifysgol Caerdydd yn dychwelyd i Venturefest

24 Medi 2015

Yn ôl arloeswr o Brifysgol Caerdydd, Venturefest Wales wnaeth ei hysbrydoli i gyd-sefydlu busnes newydd sbon, ac mae'n dychwelyd i'r ŵyl un-dydd yr wythnos hon i gael mwy o ysbrydoliaeth.

dmtry image

PhD student wins prize at SfAM image competition

17 Medi 2015

Dmitry Malyshev has won a prize of an image he generated as part of his research

 Professor Chris McGuigan

Treial clinigol ar gyfer triniaeth Caerdydd ar gyfer yr eryr

8 Medi 2015

Mae'r claf cyntaf erioed wedi cael ei gofrestru ar gyfer cam III hollbwysig y treial clinigol ar gyfer cyffur arloesol gan Brifysgol Caerdydd a allai roi gobaith i filiynau o bobl sy'n dioddef o'r eryr (shingles).

Students walking along Park Place in the middle of the Cathays Park campus.

Best ever National Student Survey results

13 Awst 2015

2015 National Student Survey (NSS) results show the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences has achieved outstanding ratings by students.

Civil society and communities

Successful MPharm Accreditation

6 Awst 2015

Official confirmation from the General Pharmaceutical Council of the successfull accreditation of the Cardiff MPharm programme.

Rugby players in Shadows

Technoleg yn helpu sêr Cwpan Rygbi’r Byd

29 Gorffennaf 2015

Bydd arbenigwyr yn dangos pam ei bod yn bosibl dal peli rygbi mewn tywydd gwlyb

Eisteddfod Maes

Presenoldeb amlwg yn yr Eisteddfod

28 Gorffennaf 2015

Bydd arbenigwyr o Brifysgol Caerdydd yn mynd i’r afael â chwestiynau mawr sydd o bwys i Gymru yn yr Eisteddfod.

 Innovation Awards 55

Arloesedd ac Effaith Prifysgol Caerdydd 2015

18 Mehefin 2015

Llwyddiant ysgubol i brosiect sychwyr gwlyb clinigol yn y Gwobrau Arloesedd

Business award

Prosiect sychwyr gwlyb i atal heintiau difrifol yn ennill gwobr arloesedd

18 Mehefin 2015

Prosiect sychwyr gwlyb i atal heintiau difrifol yn ennill gwobr arloesedd

Karen Holford with formula 1 car

Her bocs sebon i wyddonwyr benywaidd

4 Mehefin 2015

Bydd pump o wyddonwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd yn camu i ben bocs sebon yn Abertawe i ennyn diddordeb y cyhoedd am eu gwaith ymchwil

Acelarin structure

Acelarin cancer drug

30 Mai 2015

The potential impact of a new cancer drug, designed to stop patients becoming resistant to common therapies in treating cancer of the lung, ovary, breast, colon and pancreas.

Group photo of winners at the enriching student life awards

Enriching student life awards

18 Mai 2015

We are delighted that our undergraduate student staff panel has been most appropriately recognised, university-wide again.

3 scientists look at stem cells

Cyfansoddyn bôn-gelloedd gwrthganser newydd yn cael ei ddatblygu

7 Mai 2015

Gwyddonwyr ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yn darganfod cyfansoddyn sy'n gallu ymladd canser mewn sawl ffordd

Da Vinci Innovation Award winners 2014-2015

Da Vinci Innovation Award Winner 2014

28 Tachwedd 2014

Congratulations to Dr Lovleen Tina Joshi, one of the Da Vinci Innovation Award Winners 2014, hosted by the Cardiff School of Engineering.

Houston and Blaxland at BBSRC Competition

Biotechnology Young Entrepreneurs Scheme

7 Tachwedd 2014

Dr David Houston and Mr James Blaxland (PHRMY), represented Cardiff University at the BBSRC Biotechnology Young Entrepreneurs Scheme regional competition.

Intracellular Calcium book cover

Prof Anthony Campbell new book 'Intracellular Calcium' published

7 Tachwedd 2014

Prof Anthony Campbell's new book 'Intracellular calcium' has been published and available online. It reveals a fascinating story of intracellular calcium, through a pathway of ingenious invention and discovery.

IBRA and Physics department at Environmental Day

Environmental Day 28th October 2014

28 Hydref 2014

IBRA and PHRMY Bee Team supported the Environmental Day on 28th October 2014 in St Davids Shopping Centre, Cardiff.

Bees at the museum with Les Baillie

Plants for life at Biology Rocks

11 Hydref 2014

The 'Bee' team from PHRMY attended BBSRC 'Plants for Life' Event .