Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Ysgol y Gyfraith a Gwleidyddiaeth

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Eisteddfod Sign

Gwneud synnwyr o Gymru sy’n newid

25 Gorffennaf 2017

Amseroedd cythryblus yn cael eu harchwilio gan arbenigwyr yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol

Enwyd yr Athro Marysia Zalewski yn olygydd newydd cyfnodolyn International Feminist Journal of Politics

Academydd o Gaerdydd yn ennill cais am olygyddiaeth cylchgrawn ffeministaidd

13 Gorffennaf 2017

A School of Law and Politics academic has been named as the new home base editor of a unique journal which explores international politics using feminist and gender theory.

The School has a well-established international profile and has been very successful in attracting excellent scholars from around the world

Centre for Law and Global Justice awarded two Vice Chancellor Scholarships

7 Gorffennaf 2017

Two new international students will join the School of Law and Politics this September after being awarded prestigious Vice Chancellor Scholarships.

RFU logo

Rugby Football Union appoints former Cardiff student as Head of Judiciary

5 Gorffennaf 2017

A Cardiff Law alumnus, Philip Evans, has been appointed as the Rugby Football Union’s (RFU) independent Head of Rugby Judiciary.

Jac Larner

Ysgoloriaeth glodfawr Fulbright i fyfyriwr

30 Mehefin 2017

Yn rhan o’r ysgoloriaeth, bydd y myfyriwr gwleidyddiaeth yn mynd i Michigan, cartref Astudiaethau Etholiadau Cenedlaethol America

Padlock graphic

Mynd i'r afael â bygythiadau ym myd seiberddiogelwch

23 Mehefin 2017

Ymchwil newydd gan brifysgolion Caerdydd a Coventry yn cynnig sail i bolisïau

Professor John Harrington (pictured centre) with Professor Martin Kayman, Professor Gary Watt, Professor Marie-Andrée Jacob and Professor Jiri Priban.

Rhetorical look at Medical Law book launched by Centre for Law and Society

19 Mehefin 2017

The Centre for Law and Society recently held a launch event for a new book described as “an interdisciplinary tour de force” that “sheds new light on debates in medical ethics and law”.

Lisa-Marie Knight, named Junior Lawyer of the Year by the Cardiff and District Law Society.

Law alumnus awarded Junior Lawyer award at annual celebration

15 Mehefin 2017

A former Law student was recently celebrated by the Cardiff and District Law Society who named her Junior Lawyer of the Year at their annual dinner.

Employment Law book and hammer

Angen diwygio'r rheolau cyflogaeth i wella gofal cymdeithasol yn y DU

14 Mehefin 2017

Ymchwil gan Brifysgol Caerdydd yn rhoi cipolwg amserol ar argyfwng gofal cymdeithasol y DU

David Lloyd George, the first solicitor to become Prime Minister, is to be honoured by the Law Society.

Law Society former council chamber renamed in honour of UK Prime Minister

14 Mehefin 2017

A senior law lecturer has secured a motion to rename a meeting room at the Law Society’s Hall in Chancery Lane, London, in honour of the only solicitor in the UK to be made Prime Minister.

Hands casting votes

Ym mha gyflwr y mae democratiaeth heddiw?

9 Mehefin 2017

Athronydd byd-enwog yn agor cynhadledd astudiaethau rhyngwladol Ewropeaidd bwysig ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd

The Colloquium of Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Lawyers

Ecumenical law colloquium holds annual meeting in Rome

2 Mehefin 2017

The Colloquium of Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Lawyers held its 18th meeting in Rome this May at the Venerable English College.

Rhodri Morgan

Rhodri Morgan 1939 – 2017

18 Mai 2017

The School of Law and Politics at Cardiff University is sad to note the passing of Rhodri Morgan, who was the First Minister of Wales from 2000-2009.

 Professor of Political Philosophy and International Relations, David Boucher

Learned Society of Wales appoints Professor as Vice –President for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

17 Mai 2017

Professor of Political Philosophy and International Relations, David Boucher has been appointed as Vice-President (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) of The Learned Society of Wales.

A neglected child

Health and Social Care Law specialists draft response to Welsh Government guidance

4 Mai 2017

The Centre for Health and Social Care Law (CHSCL) has recently submitted a response to Welsh Government on draft guidance for practitioners who work on cases of neglect or abuse.

Dr Sara Drake with speaker Adam Wagner and June Milligan, Equality and Human Rights Commissioner for Wales.

School hosts annual lecture and showcases human rights work to stakeholders

28 Ebrill 2017

This March, the School of Law and Politics partnered with the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) in Wales to host their Annual Lecture.

The book,  Dylan and Cohen: Poets of Rock and Roll

Professor’s Poets of Rock and Roll book translated internationally for global market

20 Ebrill 2017

Professor of Political Philosophy and International Relations, David Boucher is currently enjoying an international renaissance of his book Dylan and Cohen: Poets of Rock and Roll.

Dr Kay Swinburne, Member of the European Parliament for Wales, visits Cardiff to discuss Brexit with Politics students

The Brexit Process – Dr Kay Swinburne presents to Politics students

13 Ebrill 2017

Politics students recently welcomed Dr Kay Swinburne, Member of the European Parliament for Wales, to the School to discuss Brexit.

TEDxCardiff Logo


5 Ebrill 2017

Rhannu ymchwil ysbrydoledig ac ysbrydoli cynulleidfa fyd-eang

Cathy Cobley ac Ambreena Manji yn arddangosfa ffotograffiaeth Menywod@Caerdydd.

Menywod@Caerdydd – Cyfoedion yn cydnabod academyddion y gyfraith mewn arddangosfa ffotograffiaeth

27 Mawrth 2017

Mae dwy academydd y Gyfraith wedi’u dewis fel testunau ar gyfer arddangosfa ffotograffiaeth fydd yn dangos amrywiaeth o fenywod nodedig sy’n cyfrannu at fywyd Prifysgol Caerdydd.