Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant

policy award

Cefnogaeth i deuluoedd ‘coma’ yn ennill gwobr arloesedd

18 Mehefin 2015

Cefnogaeth i deuluoedd ‘coma’ yn ennill gwobr arloesedd

Rebecca Smith

Cardiff University alumna announced as one the 30 future UK radio champions

4 Mehefin 2015

Cardiff University alumna announced as one the 30 future UK radio champions

David English 2

Academydd sydd wedi addysgu mwy o newyddiadurwyr papur newydd ym Mhrydain nag unrhyw un arall yn rhoi'r gorau iddi ar ôl 35 mlynedd yn ysgol newyddiaduraeth flaenllaw Caerdydd

3 Mehefin 2015

Mae un o ddarlithwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd, sydd yn ôl pob tebyg wedi addysgu mwy o newyddiadurwyr papur newydd ym Mhrydain nag unrhyw un arall, wedi rhoi ei feiro goch o'r neilltu yn swyddogol ar ôl 35 mlynedd wrth y llyw ar un o gyrsiau newyddiaduraeth mwyaf hirsefydlog a llwyddiannus y DU.

ESRC Impact Prize

Professor Jenny Kitzinger shortlisted for ESRC research impact prize

2 Mehefin 2015

The nomination, alongside her colleague, and sister, Professor Celia Kitzinger (University of York) relates to their research on family experiences of coma, the vegetative and minimally conscious state.

Cardiff ranked first for journalism and public relations by the Guardian

27 Mai 2015

Cardiff ranked first for journalism and public relations by the Guardian

Joint-runner up in the Guardian University Awards 2015

14 Ebrill 2015

Professor Jenny Kitzinger’s research into family experiences of vegetative and minimally conscious states has been recognised at the recent Guardian University Awards.

Strengthening the future of Welsh language journalism

13 Mawrth 2015

The importance of skilled and trained Welsh language journalists needed to support a healthy and effective Welsh media industry was the topic of discussion at a panel event on Wednesday evening.

Coma Songs

10 Hydref 2014

Mae ymchwil academaidd i brofiadau teuluoedd sydd ag anafiadau difrifol i’w hymennydd wedi’i throsi’n rhaglen radio, er mwyn darparu mewnwelediad i’r penblethau torcalonnus maent yn eu hwynebu.

Jon Snow at JOMEC

Jon Snow yn ymweld â myfyrwyr newyddiaduraeth Caerdydd

29 Medi 2014

‘Brenin y Newyddion’ yn rhannu ei weledigaeth am ddyfodol newyddiaduriaeth.

Helping carers of brain injury patients

Helping carers of brain injury patients

17 Medi 2014

Researchers launch online resource for families and healthcare practitioners

Creative Citizens come together

Creative Citizens come together

19 Awst 2014

Cardiff University to deliver first UK conference on creative citizenship

Llais y Maes students

Llais y Maes digital first

4 Awst 2014

Cardiff University launches digital newspaper in partnership with the National Eisteddfod of Wales.

Arts & Humanities Research Council

Showcasing arts and humanities research

30 Mehefin 2014

City hosts national festival to promote arts and humanities research.

Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol

Journalism competition

30 Mai 2014

Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol and Cardiff launch Journalism Competition.

New MOOC brings together essential journalism knowledge with practical digital skills

27 Mawrth 2014

Former BBC Director of Global News leads on-line course.

Hand holding a camera

World’s first Community Journalism MOOC

23 Ionawr 2014

Cardiff University’s new course with FutureLearn

A nurse's hand on a patient's hand

Family perspectives on terminal sedation

15 Ionawr 2014

Some families would consider terminal sedation for brain injured relatives in a permanent vegetative state.

Making medical decisions

Making medical decisions

12 Rhagfyr 2013

Advice for families with a relative in a vegetative or minimally conscious state.

uniting research and practice

Uniting research and practice

14 Hydref 2013

Expertise exchange offers unique insight into television production.

coleg cymraeg

Hwb i Gaerdydd ar ddechrau tymor newydd

26 Medi 2013

Mae arian gan y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol wedi rhoi hwb i ddarpariaeth Gymraeg mewn prifysgolion ar draws de Cymru