A distinguished authority on the history of modern Russia is to deliver a major lecture at Cardiff University as part of Russian Revolution centenary commemorations across the city.
A new book that explores the mystery of Europe’s ‘bog bodies’ and sheds new light on our prehistoric past has scooped its second prestigious international award.
A century after the birth of one of their most celebrated sons, young Norwegians have visited the city where Roald Dahl was born in a flourishing of links with Cardiff University.
A Cardiff University PhD student is shedding light on what the Welsh coastline can tell us about our prehistoric ancestors and the world they inhabited millennia ago in a new BBC2 series.
Mae'r Ysgol yn lle i'r disgleiriaf a'r gorau i archwilio ac i rannu eu hangerdd dros astudio cymdeithasau'r gorffennol a chredoau crefyddol, o gyfnod cynhanes i'r presennol.