A number of top industrial experts have been appointed to provide advice and expertise to the School of Engineering in activities related to research in energy.
The School of Engineering’s Postgraduate Research Conference provided an opportunity for our postgraduate students to present a cross-section of the cutting edge research undertaken in the School.
Cardiff University and Mississippi State University signed an agreement this month to recognise their ongoing research collaboration and to develop further collaborative opportunities for both staff and students.
The College of Physical Sciences and Engineering hosted a series of technical presentations on Tuesday, 23rd June, to celebrate National Women in Engineering Day.
Cardiff University’s College of Physical Sciences and Engineering, together with the School of Biosciences, worked with St David’s Sixth Form College to provide four hundred sixth form students with a taste of the University experience.
Yr Athro Karen Holford, Dirprwy Is-Ganghellor Coleg y Gwyddorau Ffisegol a Pheirianneg, yn cyflwyno ei huchelgais i annog mwy o fenywod ym maes peirianneg.
Staff and students from the School’s Cardiff Racing team spent the day demonstrating how maths and science can lead to exciting careers, using the student racing car as an example.
A Welsh construction company is working with Cardiff University’s School of Engineering to develop an innovative system to replace the use of scaffolding.
A £17.3m award for Cardiff’s Compound Semiconductor Research Foundation was announced this week by the Minister for Universities Science and Cities, the Right Honourable Mr Greg Clark.
School of Engineering researchers have contributed to the creation and design of an early response medical system that could save thousands of lives and prevent disabilities.
Medical engineers at Cardiff School of Engineering are among a group of researchers who have been awarded £1.86 million Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funding grant for research into healthcare technologies.
Mae'r Ysgol yn un ysgolion peirianneg mwyaf blaenllaw'r DU ac mae ganddi enw da am ymchwil o'r radd flaenaf ac amgylchedd addysgu bywiog a chyfeillgar.