Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion Ysgol Gwyddorau'r Ddaear a’r Amgylchedd

Attendees of the first UK Paleoclimate Society conference

Bringing together the UK’s paleoclimate community

15 Medi 2017

The inaugural conference of the UK Paleoclimate Society was held at Cardiff University

Volcano erupting

Volcanic carbon dioxide drove ancient global warming event

1 Medi 2017

New research suggests that an extreme global warming event 56 million years ago was driven by massive CO2 emissions from volcanoes.

Computer simulation of supercontinents breaking apart

How to break a supercontinent

22 Awst 2017

A newly published study by Cardiff University demonstrates that multiple forces are available to break apart supercontinents.

Earth and Ocean Science graduate with globe

Celebrating our graduates

21 Gorffennaf 2017

Congratulations to our class of 2017!

Trekking through the Panama rainforest; image by Conor White

Students on placement with the Panama Canal Authority

18 Gorffennaf 2017

Four students from the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences have taken part in a fully funded placement with the Panama Canal Authority.

PhD student Sarah Gore demonstrating the use of indicator fluid at Soapbox Science Oxford

Making science accessible through art

11 Gorffennaf 2017

Earth scientists collaborate with artists at Soapbox Art & Science event in Oxford

Student accepting award

Myfyrwraig Prifysgol Caerdydd yn casglu gwobr ar ran Malala

7 Gorffennaf 2017

Sophie Nuber yn derbyn gwobr ar ran Enillydd Gwobr Heddwch Nobel yng nghyfarfod prifysgolion G7

Ice Age

Gwyddonwyr yn taflu goleuni ar neidiau tymheredd rhyfedd yn ystod cyfnodau oes iâ

20 Mehefin 2017

Mae astudiaeth newydd yn dangos "pwynt tyngedfennol” CO2 a arweiniodd at gynhesu sydyn yn ystod cyfnodau rhewlifol

Professor Carrie Lear receiving award

Gwobr daeareg nodedig i academydd o Brifysgol Caerdydd

9 Mehefin 2017

Y Gymdeithas Ddaearegol yn dyfarnu Medal Bigsby i'r Athro Carrie Lear

magma reservoirs

Cronfeydd magma yn allweddol i echdoriadau folcanig

2 Mehefin 2017

Mae astudiaeth newydd yn dangos pwysigrwydd cronfeydd mawr o ran creu echdoriadau folcanig mwyaf pwerus y Ddaear, ac yn esbonio pam maent mor anghyffredin

african groundwater

Dŵr daear yn Affrica

30 Mai 2017

Ymchwil newydd yn dangos pwysigrwydd dŵr daear yn Affrica wrth ddechrau edrych ar esblygiad hynafol pobl

Pint of Science

Pint of Science

25 Mai 2017

Staff and students bring Earth and ocean science to local pubs as part of global science festival.

Geologists' Association logo

MESci students' award success

24 Mai 2017

Two MESci students have won a Geologists’ Association UKOGL Award

Earth mantle graphic

New insights into Earth mantle discovered

17 Mai 2017

Researchers have gained new insights into the convection patterns of the Earth’s mantle.

Society of Economic Geologists Logo

SEG grant success for PhD students

16 Mai 2017

PhD students awarded research grants from the Society of Economic Geologists.

Athena SWAN Bronze logo

School celebrates Athena SWAN Bronze award

8 Mai 2017

The School of Earth and Ocean Sciences has received an Athena SWAN Bronze Award.

Ian Hall (Head of School)

Head of School elected to Learned Society of Wales

8 Mai 2017

Professor Ian Hall has been elected a Fellow of the prestigious Learned Society of Wales.

Slag heap

Gallai tomenni slag helpu i dynnu carbon o'r atmosffer

2 Mai 2017

Academydd o Brifysgol Caerdydd yn cael £300 mil i archwilio ffyrdd o dynnu nwyon tŷ gwydr o'r atmosffer gan ddefnyddio deunydd gwastraff o weithfeydd dur

Researchers in the CELTIC lab

New isotope geochemistry facility launched

11 Ebrill 2017

A new laboratory specialising in isotope geochemistry has been launched by the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences.

Cracks in the Earth crust with magna underneath

Keep Digging: What lies beneath?

5 Ebrill 2017

Professor Chris MacLeod is featured in a BBC Radio 4 programme exploring what we know about the Earth’s mantle.