Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion Yr Ysgol Cemeg

Brain scan

Ymchwil Alzheimer i astudio cemeg yr ymennydd

10 Rhagfyr 2015

Bydd efelychiadau modern yn ymchwilio i achos y plac sy'n cronni yn yr ymennydd, a ffyrdd posibl o'i atal

Aquaporins in Health and Disease

Nobel Prize winner supports new book publication: water channels as targets for drug discovery

8 Rhagfyr 2015

Prof. Angela Casini from Cardiff School of Chemistry announces the publication of a new pioneering book

Coloured Beakers

Chemistry in Health

4 Rhagfyr 2015

AS-level students learn about Chemistry in Health

Best overseas student

School of Chemistry Prize for Best Overseas Student

30 Tachwedd 2015

It is with great pleasure that we announce the presentation of the first ever School of Chemistry Prize for Best Overseas Student to Ziyao Lu.

Rebecca Melen

Gwobr glodfawr i ymchwilydd ar ddechrau ei yrfa

25 Tachwedd 2015

Dr Rebecca Melen yn ennill gwobr am gyflawniadau rhagorol mewn ymchwil catalysis.

Research Lab

Chemistry Week is approaching and the School of Chemistry is getting involved

13 Tachwedd 2015

15-22 November is Chemistry week, and there are events all across Cardiff, Wales and the UK.

innovation award for gold catalyst

Gwobr arloesedd fyd-eang am gatalydd aur

9 Tachwedd 2015

Sefydliad Catalysis Caerdydd yn ennill gwobr fyd-eang am arloesi catalydd newydd ecogyfeillgar i weithgynhyrchu finyl clorid.

Celebrating excellence awards

Dr Chris Morley shortlisted for Cardiff Celebrating Excellence Awards 2015

4 Tachwedd 2015

The School of Chemistry wishes to congratulate Dr Chris Morley, as he is one of the shortlisted nominees for this year’s Celebrating Excellence Awards.

Professor Nigel Richards

Professor Nigel Richards takes over as the new Head of the Biological Chemistry Section

23 Hydref 2015

Following his recent appointment to the School of Chemistry, Professor Nigel Richards takes over as the new Head of the Biological Chemistry Section.


New EPSRC Funding for Fundamental Alzheimer’s Research

13 Hydref 2015

Dr Jamie Platts has been awarded a new research grant for fundamental research into the important properties of peptides implicated in Alzheimer's disease

China visit

School of Chemistry forges new partnerships with Chinese universities

5 Hydref 2015

Five academic staff members from Cardiff School of Chemistry travelled to China to participate in bilateral conferences with North West Polytechnic in Xi’an and Xiamen University

Richard Catlow

The School of Chemistry welcomes new staff member Professor Richard Catlow FRS

24 Medi 2015

The School of Chemistry is very pleased to welcome a new member onto the academic staff.

In Main Building doorway looking up

The School of Chemistry welcomes new staff member Professor Nigel Richards

18 Medi 2015

The School of Chemistry is very pleased to welcome a new member onto the academic staff.

Graham Hutchings CCI Director

Catalydd ailgylchu gwastraff yn hwyluso'r broses gwneud biodiesel

10 Medi 2015

Ymchwilwyr y Brifysgol yn datblygu catalydd i ailgylchu gwastraff a chynhyrchu mwy o fiodiesel .

Cardiff University

Major success for Cardiff Chemistry from funding council

8 Medi 2015

Figures just released from the BBSRC show that Cardiff School of Chemistry has been very successful in securing research funding.

Davide Bonifazi

The School of Chemistry welcomes new staff member Professor Davide Bonifazi

2 Medi 2015

The School of Chemistry is very pleased to welcome a new member onto the academic staff.

Chemistry Enrolment

Chemistry Enrolment

14 Awst 2015

Enrolment dates for students

NSS Results

NSS results

12 Awst 2015

Students in the School of Chemistry have shown increased levels of satisfaction according to the latest National Student Survey (NSS).

Gold Bars

'Rhuthr Aur' newydd

26 Gorffennaf 2015

Cynhadledd yn nodi pŵer y metel gwerthfawr i lanhau’r byd.

In Main Building doorway looking up

The School of Chemistry welcomes new staff member Dr Louis Luk

15 Gorffennaf 2015

Dr Louis Luk joins us as a Research Fellow in Biological Chemistry.