Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd

Business and Economics THE rankings graphic

Busnes ac Economeg yn cadarnhau ei le’n y 100 uchaf

5 Hydref 2017

Ysgol ymhlith goreuon y byd

Adamsdown pupils at Cardiff Business Schoo

Ysbrydoli'r genhedlaeth nesaf o arweinwyr

3 Hydref 2017

Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd yn croesawu disgyblion o Ysgol Gynradd Adamsdown

Iamge shows group of mixed gender adults at a celebratory tea party

Celebrating pilot year of the High 5 scheme

26 Medi 2017

Celebratory event to mark the end of recognition scheme's pilot year

Cyrraedd y 4ydd safle am Weinyddiaeth Gyhoeddus

18 Medi 2017

Cydnabyddiaeth i'r Ysgol gan restr fyd-eang ddylanwadol

Cardiff Half Marathon Start

Ymchwil i deithio i’r hanner marathon

15 Medi 2017

Arbenigwyr y Brifysgol yn gweithio gyda threfnwyr y ras i leihau ôl troed carbon

Shaping a new economic strategy for Wales

14 Medi 2017

Caerphilly AM Dr Hefin David leads Executive Education Breakfast Briefing

Cyhoeddi Cynllun Entrepreneuriaid Preswyl newydd

8 Medi 2017

Cynllun i gefnogi meddwl entrepreneuraidd ac arloesol

Big data research published in leading journal

23 Awst 2017

Journal of Product Innovation Management publishes big data research

Graduation marked with awards

27 Gorffennaf 2017

Graduation ceremonies and reception held on Wednesday 19 July

Businesses must prepare for new data protection rules

27 Gorffennaf 2017

Breakfast Briefing focuses on GDPR and potential impact on businesses

Green Gown Awards Logo

Gwobrau Green Gown

26 Gorffennaf 2017

Prosiect entrepreneuaidd ar y rhestr fer ar gyfer gwaith gyda cheiswyr lloches a ffoaduriaid

Image of seven male students and Dr Jane Lynch at Heathrow Airport

Students jet off to China for international exchange

24 Gorffennaf 2017

Four-week visit to Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Man and woman speaking in office building

Hil ynghudd

20 Gorffennaf 2017

Prif gwmnïau Prydain yn methu neu'n anfodlon cyhoeddi cyfansoddiad ethnig eu rheolwyr

Cross-cultural celebrations for Eid

14 Gorffennaf 2017

Marking the end of Ramadan with School community event

Demonstrating public value and corporate responsibility

12 Gorffennaf 2017

School becomes full member of Business in the Community Cymru (BiTC)

Sir Donald Walters with portrait

Syr Donald Walters

4 Gorffennaf 2017

Teyrngedau i gyn-Gadeirydd y Cyngor

Image of female academic presenting slides at conference

Reflecting on the state of trust

27 Mehefin 2017

Talking trust and risk at security and crime event

China Scholarship Council 2017.

Cardiff welcomes China delegation for 13 week Management and Innovation programme

23 Mehefin 2017

Development programme marks further collaboration between Wales and China

Professor Malcom Mason

Anrhydeddau Pen-blwydd y Frenhines

22 Mehefin 2017

Cydnabyddiaeth i gymuned y Brifysgol am gyfraniadau eithriadol

Mixed group of Business School students celebrate their Cardiff Award success

Students celebrate Cardiff Award success

21 Mehefin 2017

52 Business School students celebrate completing the Cardiff Award