Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion Ysgol y Biowyddorau

Hand holding two test tubes

Institute welcomes Sêr Cymru Research Fellows

25 Hydref 2016

Sêr Cymru II Fellowship Scheme brings two new Research Fellows to the Institute.

Carrdiff University iGEM team in the laboratory

Cardiff iGEM team heads to Boston

24 Hydref 2016

Cardiff University students travel to Boston for the international iGEM competition.

Athena SWAN Silver Award

Gwobrau Athena SWAN

17 Hydref 2016

Coleg y Gwyddorau Biofeddygol a Bywyd yn cipio dwy wobr cydraddoldeb fawreddog

Professor Bruce Caterson

Lifetime Achievement Award for Biosciences Professor

10 Hydref 2016

Professor Bruce Caterson has received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his work in the field of orthopaedic research.

Athena Swan silver logo

Dyfarnu Gwobr Arian i Ysgol y Biowyddorau am gydraddoldeb rhywedd

6 Hydref 2016

Mae Ysgol y Biowyddorau, Prifysgol Caerdydd yn dathlu ei llwyddiant o dderbyn Gwobr Arian Athena SWAN yn gydnabyddiaeth o’i hymrwymiad i gydraddoldeb rhywedd.

A student searching for DNA signals of recognisable species

Students explore practicalities of life on Mars at science event

15 Medi 2016

Over 200 local Year 8 students explored the practicalities of humans living on Mars for a science event at Cardiff University.

Dr Richard Clarkson

Innovation Award for Prostate Cancer Research

15 Medi 2016

Prostate Cancer UK awards crucial grant for 'pioneering' prostate cancer study.


Triniaeth newydd bosibl ar gyfer caethiwed i gocên

31 Awst 2016

Mae tîm o ymchwilwyr dan arweiniad Prifysgol Caerdydd wedi darganfod triniaeth gyffuriau addawol newydd ar gyfer caethiwed i gocên

Physiology workshop

Ymhlith y 10 uchaf yn y DU ar gyfer Ffisioleg ac Anatomeg

17 Awst 2016

Cyrsiau Ffisioleg ac Anatomeg Ysgol y Biowyddorau yn cyrraedd rhif 8 yn y DU.

Mountain Chicken Frog

Gwersi ar gyfer cadwraeth

11 Awst 2016

Clefyd ffwngaidd marwol yn achosi dirywiad trychinebus i rywogaeth broga'r ffos

Anthony Harrington

Director of Environment at Welsh Water made Honorary Professor at Cardiff University

8 Awst 2016

Anthony Harrington of Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW) receives Honorary Professorship within the School of Biosciences.

Mountain chicken frog. Credit: Chester Zoo

Mountain chicken on the edge

3 Awst 2016

Cardiff academics fight to help save endangered frog species

Lynne Boddy profile picture

Cardiff University professor recognised for outstanding research in ecology

2 Awst 2016

Professor Lynne Boddy receives prestigious Marsh Award for Ecology.


Archwilio bioamrywiaeth afonydd Prydain

1 Awst 2016

Dr Sian Griffiths sy’n cyflwyno’r Brif Ddarlith Wyddoniaeth yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol eleni.

Pollen Story

Olion traed mewn Amser

28 Gorffennaf 2016

Archeoleg yn cysylltu pobl ifanc gyda’u gorffennol a’u dyfodol

Human heart

Food supplements in the fight against heart disease?

19 Gorffennaf 2016

Can food supplements help fight heart disease? Cardiff bioscientists review the current literature on the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

2 students measuring heart rate

School of Biosciences at STEM LIVE!

1 Gorffennaf 2016

Over 200 students from across South Wales recently attended the University's STEM Live! event.


Cancer Research UK funds multi-disciplinary research project

21 Mehefin 2016

Cardiff University scientists receive Cancer Research UK funding for new multi-disciplinary project.

Researchers in the lab

Gwobr Arloesedd mewn Gofal Iechyd

1 Mehefin 2016

Datblygu cyffur newydd ar gyfer canser metastatig y fron

Dr Joaquin de Navascues

Ambassador for Science

27 Mai 2016

Dr Joaquín de Navascués has been selected to participate in a new programme which aims to foster connections between scientists and Spanish diplomats.