Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Operation Brain award

Operation Brain awarded top prize at Wales conference

12 Hydref 2017

Best Interactive Stand award won by the BRAIN Unit at the Health and Care Research Wales Conference

DNA pillars

MINDDS: a pan-European network for research into Neurodevelopmental Disorders

10 Hydref 2017

Prof Adrain Harwood blogs on the importance of international collaboration to understanding and treating NDD

Ronak Ved

Meddyg niwrowyddorau Uned YR YMENNYDD yn ennill niwro-gystadleuaeth genedlaethol

6 Hydref 2017

Ronak Ved wins the National Anatomical Society’s Postgraduate Neuroanatomy Competition 2017

Fieldbay Coffee Morning

Coffee morning promotes role of public involvement in research

29 Medi 2017

BRAIN Unit neuroscientists unite care home members to celebrate public involvement in research.

Brighton Pier

British Science Festival 2017 announced for Brighton

29 Awst 2017

Science lovers invited to attend British Science Festival in Brighton (5-9 September 2017)

Donor's Day - brain wars

Cardiff Day success as supporters go head-to-head!

25 Gorffennaf 2017

Cardiff University supporters put their brainpower to the test at annual Cardiff Day event

Fergus Walsh interviewing Derek Jones

Sgan manylaf erioed o strwythur yr ymennydd dynol

11 Gorffennaf 2017

Gohebydd meddygol y BBC yn ymweld â Chanolfan Delweddu'r Ymennydd ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd

Adeilad newydd CUBRIC

CUBRIS ar restr fer Medal Aur yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol

7 Gorffennaf 2017

Gwobr sy’n dathlu dylunio pensaernïol o’r radd flaenaf

female scientist microscope

Participants needed for epilepsy trial

6 Gorffennaf 2017

Participants needed for trial examining impact of Fluoxetine on learning and memory in TLE.

Genes - green

Gene mutation can cause brain malformation in children

5 Gorffennaf 2017

New research identifies how gene mutation impacts nerve stem cell growth and brain development in unborn babies.