Cyhoeddiadau 2023
- Vighi, F. and Panattoni, R. eds. 2023. Capitalism and the new political unconscious: a philosophy of immanence. Bloomsbury.
- Wang, X. , Xu, S. and Shi, L. eds. 2023. Creativity in Chinese language teaching and learning research and practice in challenging times Applied Chinese Language Studies XII. Great Britain: Sinolingua London Ltd.
- Ploetz, F. , Rohlfs, S. and Schweissinger, M. J. eds. 2023. Gerhart Hauptmann und die Natur. Schriften der Gerhart-Hauptmann-Gesellschaft und Gerhart-Hauptmann-Häuser Quintus.
- Gant, M. , Rocha Relvas, S. and Edwards, S. eds. 2023. Memory, transition and transnationalism in Iberia. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Hammond, C. ed. 2023. Woven histories of Welsh wool and slavery. Common Threads Press.
- Altenberg, T. 2023. Don Quixote unbound: Intertextuality, interpictoriality and transculturality in Flix’s German graphic novel adaptation (2012). European Comic Art 16 (1), pp.6-42. (10.3167/eca.2023.160102)
- Arfon, E. 2023. Lluosieithrwydd yn y Cwricwlwm i Gymru: ymchwiliad ansoddol i gredoau athrawon uwchradd Ieithoedd Rhyngwladol yn ystod cyfnod paratoadol y cwricwlwm newydd a TGAU diwygiedig / Plurilingualism in the Curriculum for Wales: a qualitative inquiry into secondary school International Languages teachers’ beliefs during the preparatory stages of the new curriculum and reformed GCSEs. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Bell, L. and Whitfield, J. 2023. The creation of a feminist archive: decolonial feminisms in the testimonial work of the publishing collective sisters in the shadows and the searchers of El Fuerte [La creación de una archiva: Feminismos descoloniales en la obra testimonial de la Colectiva Editorial las Hermanas en la Sombra y las Rastreadoras de El Fuerte]. Cartaphilus 20 , pp.5-39. (10.6018/cartaphilus.543211)
- Chianese, F. 2023. Recognizing oneself in a distorted mirror: the irresolvable distance and proximity between Pavese and Pasolini. In: Moscardi, I. ed. Cesare Pavese Mythographer, Translator, Modernist. A Recognition of Sstudies 70 Years after His Death. Vernon Press
- Clarke, D. 2023. The rhetoric of civil-military relations in contemporary armed forces museums. Journal of War and Culture Studies 16 (1), pp.80-99. (10.1080/17526272.2021.1878321)
- Clarke, D. et al. 2023. Diasporic memory practice on the internet: Remembering lost homelands. Memory Studies 16 (4), pp.1003-1019. (10.1177/17506980221122174)
- Cusani, A. , Porta, S. and Vighi, F. 2023. Emergenze da fine del mondo. Transeuropa.
- Dominguez, L. 2023. Hidden inequalities in the L2 classroom: The case of pragmatic markers in Spanish translation. Pragmatics
- Dowling, A. 2023. The Basque and Catalan questions since 1980. Teaching Nationalism and Conflict in Spain.. Tiempo devorado 8 (1)(10.5565/rev/tdevorado.186)
- Dowling, A. 2023. The Routledge handbook of Spanish history. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003218784)
- Gao, Q. 2023. Louder than words: videogame localisation as narrative (re)telling. Cultus journal 15 , pp.99-120.
- Hammond, C. 2023. Straw Craft, imperial education and ethnographic exhibitions as tightly braided sites of gender production in Haiti and Curaçao. Journal of Material Culture 28 (4), pp.515-538. (10.1177/13591835231210689)
- Hemmens, A. and Zacarias, G. 2023. The Situationist International and literature: introduction. New Readings 19 , pp.i-viii. (10.18573/newreadings.136)
- Holley, T. et al., 2023. Humanities and the arts: Pioneering SHAPE in Schools, a human world focus. Open Access Government 40 (1) 306. (10.56367/OAG-040-10990)
- Inaba, M. 2023. Mediation in informal language learning activities outside of the classroom. In: Toffoli, D. , Sockett, G. and Kusyk, M. eds. Language Learning and Leisure: Informal Language Learning in the Digital Age. De Gruyter. , pp.185-206. (10.1515/9783110752441-009)
- Jepson, E. 2023. Promoting international languages in Wales: A study of the role of Routes into Languages Cymru and its approach to motivating learners. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Lambert, J. 2023. The 'right' path: ethics, translation and our future. ITI Bulletin , pp.23-24.
- Lambert, J. 2023. Translation Ethics. Routledge Introductions to Translation and Interpreting Routledge.
- Lightman, B. and Meade, R. 2023. Minakata Kumagusu in London: Challenging Eurocentrism in the pages of Nature. Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science (10.1098/rsnr.2023.0053)
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- Perez-Nieto, N. 2023. How to use ChatGPT for resource creation, assessment and practice in the Spanish classroom.. Presented at: Language X.0: The AI Revolution in Language Education Virtual (Hosted by the University of Kent) 6th September 2023.
- Perez-Nieto, N. 2023. Preparing and supporting students to undertake assessments: The case for MLANG. Presented at: Preparing and supporting students to undertake assessments Learning and Teaching Academy (online) 21 September 2023.
- Pérez-Nieto, N. 2023. Teaching translation into Spanish asynchronously: Assessment and engagement in the times of COVID. In: Fiorucci, W. ed. Language Education During the Pandemic. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. , pp.109-149. (10.1007/978-3-031-35855-5_5)
- Perez-Nieto, N. , Jenkins, M. and Chapela- Orri, R. 2023. Making the case for student ambassadors: sustainability and best practice in languages outreach across the UK. The case of Routes into Languages Cymru. Presented at: Where Are We Now? The Location of Modern Languages and Cultures Durham, UK 19-21 April 2023.
- Perez-Nieto, N. and Llop Naya, A. 2023. Teaching languages to generation Z students: The impact of the use of audiovisual materials in the Spanish classroom. In: Herrero, C. and Suarez, M. F. eds. Teaching Languages with Screen Media. Pedagogical Reflections. Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching Bloomsbury Publishing. , pp.89-114.
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- Sanz Mingo, C. 2023. Eric fighting in Guatemala. Adaptation and proximation of medieval Arthurian literature in Manuel Vázquez Montalbán’s Erec y Enide. Journal of the International Arthurian Society 11 (1), pp.83-104. (10.1515/jias-2023-0005)
- Schweissinger, M. 2023. Carl Hauptmann's Novellenkonzeption in seiner Trilogie Nächte. In: Bialek, E. and Czarnecka, M. eds. Carl Hauptmann - ein Einzelgänger zwischen dem Naturalismus und dem Expressionismus. Harrassowitz. , pp.99-117.
- Schweissinger, M. 2023. Interpreting "Third Reich" and Holocaust Narratives. On the symbioses between fact and fiction. Scholars' Press.
- Schweissinger, M. J. 2023. Natur als Handlungsträger in Hauptmanns Novellen Fasching, Bahnwärter Thiel und Der Ketzer von Soana. In: Ploetz, F. , Rohlfs, S. and Schweissinger, M. J. eds. Gerhart Hauptmann und die Natur. Vol. 2, Writings of the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Gesellschaft and Gerhart-Hauptmann-Häuser Quintus. , pp.193-217.
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- Vighi, F. 2023. A "new 9/11": the stage is set. [Online].Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Baudrillard, hyperreality, and emergency capitalism. In: Wang, J. , Shen, Z. and De la Garza, A. eds. Controversy and Construction in Contemporary Aesthetics. Transcultural Aesthetics Vol. 2.Brill. , pp.59-79. (10.1163/9789004685925_007)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Capitalismo di crisi e automatismi del declino – viva il capitalismo!. [Online].Marcovaldo di Simone Luciani. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Capitalismo senile e demolizione controllata. [Online].La Fionda. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Covid-19 e altre grandi narrazioni del capitalismo di crisi. In: Paolucci, G. ed. Il governo della pandemia. Uno sguardo critico. Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica. , pp.51-79.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Die Untergangsschleife: COVID-19 und das Zeitalter der kapitalistischen Dauerkrise. In: Urban, A. ed. Schwerer Verlauf: Corona als Krisensymptom. Promedia. , pp.21-46.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Financial delusions and the persistence of capital. Finance and Society 9 (1), pp.76-79. (10.2218/finsoc.8099)
- Vighi, F. 2023. Gradually, then suddenly? Crisis capitalism and its disavowals. [Online].Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. Meta-emergenza e transizione ideologica del capitalismo senile. In: Marini, L. ed. Ecotruffa. Le Mani Sul Clima. Contravento La Vela. , pp.114-140.
- Vighi, F. 2023. Senile Economics: Bubble Ontology and the Pull of Gravity. [Online].Available at:
- Vighi, F. 2023. The perfect crime? Baudrillard, covid-19 and capitalist virulence. In: Vighi, F. and Panattoni, R. eds. Capitalism and the New Political Unconscious: A Philosophy of Immanence. Bloomsbury. , pp.195-216.
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- Vighi, F. 2023. Welcome to "low energy capitalism". [Online].Los Angeles: The Philosophical Salon. Available at:
- Vighi, F. and Bollinger, L. 2023. Der Staat ist Schutzengel des Finanzkapitals. OXI: Wirtschaft anders denken 23 (2)
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- Young, S. 2023. A future more human? Uncovering the intellectual project of the Jeunesse ouvrière chrétienne in France, 1927-1939. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Zacarias, G. and Hemmens, A. 2023. The budding forest: Guy Debord's reading notes on literature. New Readings 19 , pp.1-18. (10.18573/newreadings.137)
Porwch ein cyhoeddiadau o'r gorffennol drwy ystorfa sefydliadol Prifysgol Caerdydd.