Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Solid cancers

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Solid Cancers

Our aim is to improve the outcome of patients with cancer with a primary focus on clinical trials and linked laboratory research.

We are a highly collaborative unit with local, national and international links. We are formed of several clinical academics, three basics science groups and the Wales Cancer Biobank. We are particularly interested in the effects of multiple therapies on the cancer and the patient, and have current strengths in novel combination trials and radiotherapy trials.

We have funding from various sources including Cancer Research UK, Prostate Cancer UK, Medical Research Council and, within Wales, by Cancer Research Wales, Tenovus, the Life Sciences Research Network Wales and Health and Care Research Wales.

We have strong links to College Infrastructure units, such as the Centre for Trials Research (WCTU), The Wales Research and Diagnostic PET Imaging Centre and European Cancer Stem Cell Research Institute (ECSCRI), and the NHS, particularly Velindre NHS Trust and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.

Theme lead

Picture of Alan Parker

Yr Athro Alan Parker

Pennaeth Canserau Solet, Athro Firoleg Drosi, Cyfarwyddwr Uned Firoleg Gymhwysol Cymru ac Uwch Arweinydd Ymchwil HCRW.

+44 29225 10231

Area of interest

Alan is Head of Solid Cancers and Professor of Translational Virotherapies, where he heads the Viral ImmunoTherapies and Advanced Therapeutics Laboratory (VITAL) – a thriving group of ~20 exceptional scientists. His research is focussed on the development of oncolytic viruses as refined, tumour-selective agents which are able to “seek out and kill” cancer cells, leaving healthy cells uninfected. Once infected, cancer cells then overexpress virally encoded immunotherapies, effectively turning the tumour into a factory which produces anticancer medicines that facilitate its own destruction.

Principal members of staff

NameArea of interest
Wales Cancer Bank

Wales Cancer Bank provide access to cancer samples for translational research projects

Welsh Cancer Research CentreThe Wales Cancer Research Centre is based within Solid cancers, and funded by Health and Care Research Wales and other partners. The Centre works collaboratively to support cancer research across Wales.

Professor Robert Jones

Division of Cancer & Genetics Co-Director

Designing and delivering multi-centre early-phase clinical trials and associated translational research in various solid (including bladder, breast, and head and neck) cancers in collaboration with local, national and international collaborators.

Emeritus Professor Malcolm Mason and Dr Alison Parry-Jones

Collecting and curating tissue samples with a focus on breast, prostate, colorectal and lung cancer; supporting the generation of novel research groups in these tumours.

Professor Aled Clayton

Investigating the complex cell-communication roles of tumour exosomes in the microenvironment, and their utility as cancer biomarkers.

Emeritus Reader Zsuzsanna Tabi

Research group with an interest in T-cell immunology in cancer and changes with different therapies, with a particular strength in prostate cancer and mesothelioma.

No picture for Peter Barrett-Lee

Yr Athro Peter Barrett-Lee

Consultant Oncologist & Professor of Breast Cancer Studies

Picture of Carly Bliss

Dr Carly Bliss

Darlithydd mewn Imiwnoleg Canser

Picture of Rachel Errington

Yr Athro Rachel Errington

Dirprwy Bennaeth Ysgol Meddygaeth

+44 29206 87301
No picture for Kieran Foley

Dr Kieran Foley

Clinical Senior Lecturer

Picture of Dimitris Parthimos

Dr Dimitris Parthimos

Uwch Ddarlithydd, Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil Ryngwladol

+44 29206 87089
Picture of Rachel Errington

Yr Athro Rachel Errington

Dirprwy Bennaeth Ysgol Meddygaeth

+44 29206 87301