Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Addysgu Grwpiau Bach

Mwy am y pwnc hwn

Mae addysgu grwpiau bach, fel y mae'r enw'n awgrymu, yn cynnwys dysgu ac addysgu sesiynau gyda grwpiau bach o fyfyrwyr. Nid oes unrhyw nifer "delfrydol" o fyfyrwyr, gan fod hyn yn dibynnu ar y gweithgaredd sy’n cael ei wneud. Ond fel arfer ystyrir maint grŵp rhwng 3-10 o fyfyrwyr yn effeithiol yn y rhan fwyaf o sefyllfaoedd; mae dulliau dysgu â grwpiau bach yn dal yn bosibl mewn dosbarthiadau mwy trwy rannu’r myfyrwyr yn grwpiau llai.

Un o'r agweddau pwysicaf ar addysgu grwpiau bach yw ei fod yn canolbwyntio ar y myfyriwr, yn ennyn diddordeb myfyrwyr, yn cynnwys dysgu gweithredol a bod yr addysgwr yn gweithredu mwy fel hwylusydd i broses dysgu’r myfyriwr. Felly, mae trafodaethau, deialog a chydweithio rhwng aelodau staff a myfyrwyr yn hanfodol i ddysgu grwpiau bach yn effeithiol.

Ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd defnyddir amrywiaeth o ddulliau addysgu grwpiau bach fel dulliau effeithiol o ddysgu ac addysgu. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys, ond nid yn gyfyngedig i; tiwtorialau, seminarau, dysgu sy'n seiliedig ar broblemau, dysgu sy'n seiliedig ar ymchwil, a gweithdai, a gellir defnyddio pob un ohonynt yn uniongyrchol neu ar-lein. Mae’r pwnc hwn yn cyflwyno enghreifftiau o sut mae addysgu grwpiau bach yn darparu amgylchedd deinamig a rhyngweithiol i fyfyrwyr er mwyn adeiladu’u dysgu, yn ogystal â chynnig cyfle i fyfyrwyr gael adborth ffurfiannol ar unwaith gan eu cyfoedion a'u tiwtor.

Astudiaethau achos

Transformation to “Experiential Learning”, a case study

Dr Vicki Stevenson

Cyhoeddwyd 26 Jan 2024 • 7 munudutes o ddarllen

Dr Vicki Stevenson, of Cardiff University's Welsh School of Architecture presents at the 2019 Learning & Teaching Conference, hosted by the CESI, a case study on: Transformation to “Experiential Learning”


Ways of learning | Flipping the classroom | Facilitating group work | Small group teaching | Large group teaching | Delivering lectures |

3 cydnabyddiaeth

Dweud eich dweud - Hwyluso sesiynau rhyngweithiol, cydamserol

Caroline Almond

Cyhoeddwyd 21 Jul 2021 • 7 munud o ddarllen

Mae'r cyflwyniad Pecha Kucha hon o'r Gynhadledd Dysgu ac Addysgu 2021 yn rhannu strategaethau effeithiol mae Caroline wedi’u defnyddio i gynnwys trafodaeth weithredol yn y dosbarth mewn sesiynau cydamserol ar-lein.


Ways of learning | Designing for distance learners | Delivering blended programmes | Small group teaching | Large group teaching |

1 cydnabyddiaeth

How to save a museum: teaching business models to historians

Rifhat Qureshi and Graham Getheridge

Cyhoeddwyd 16 Jan 2020 • 19 munud o ddarllen

Dr James Redman of Cardiff University's School of Chemistry presents at the Centre for Education Innovation's 2017 Learning & Teaching Conference on the outcomes of his Education Innovation Fund project of 'Electronic notebooks and portfolios for


Ways of learning | Learning journeys | Small group teaching |

0 cydnabyddiaeth

Modern learning environments and large group teaching in Physiotherapy

Jill Morgan

Cyhoeddwyd 13 Mar 2019 • 12 munudutes o ddarllen

Video case study from Dr Josh Robinson from the School of English, Communication & Philosophy about the introduction of peer assessment in one of his modules


Facilitating group work | Small group teaching | Large group teaching | Delivering lectures |

4 cydnabyddiaeth

Developing Undergraduate nurses in leadership in Cardiff and Namibia through action learning

Julia Tod, Gemma Stacey-Emile, Professor Dianne Watkins, Alison James and Bex Potton

Cyhoeddwyd 17 Jan 2020 • 19 munud o ddarllen

Dr James Redman of Cardiff University's School of Chemistry presents at the Centre for Education Innovation's 2017 Learning & Teaching Conference on the outcomes of his Education Innovation Fund project of 'Electronic notebooks and portfolios for


Ways of learning | Small group teaching |

0 cydnabyddiaeth

How to embed authentic learning using role-play and simulation within the curricula

Michelle Moseley, Christine Munro, Prof. Dai John, Dr Elizabeth Metcalf and Emma Pope

Cyhoeddwyd 16 Jan 2020 • 19 munud o ddarllen

Dr James Redman of Cardiff University's School of Chemistry presents at the Centre for Education Innovation's 2017 Learning & Teaching Conference on the outcomes of his Education Innovation Fund project of 'Electronic notebooks and portfolios for


Ways of learning | Flipping the classroom | Small group teaching | Welsh Medium Provision |

0 cydnabyddiaeth

Adnoddau Caerdydd

Lesson Planning Guidance

Dr Iain Mossman

Cyhoeddwyd 20 Apr 2017 • 10 munud o ddarllen

A short visual guide on how to design and plan a lesson


Ways of learning | Small group teaching | Large group teaching |

9 cydnabyddiaeth

Online Content Curation Tools Technology Reviews

Dr Duncan Cole and Dr Richard Jones

Cyhoeddwyd 14 Jan 2019 • 40 munud o ddarllen

What is Demonstrating? Demonstrating is a common term used to describe the role played by PGRs and Researchers in practical and laboratory classes and sometimes also in fieldwork sessions. Demonstrating implies showing somebody how to do something


Facilitating group work | Small group teaching | Large group teaching |

0 cydnabyddiaeth

Best Practice in Online Content Curation in Higher Education

Dr Duncan Cole & Dr Richard Jones

Cyhoeddwyd 18 Jan 2019 • 40 munud o ddarllen

What is Demonstrating? Demonstrating is a common term used to describe the role played by PGRs and Researchers in practical and laboratory classes and sometimes also in fieldwork sessions. Demonstrating implies showing somebody how to do something


Facilitating group work | Small group teaching | Large group teaching |

4 cydnabyddiaeth

An on-line support resource for PGRs new to the teaching role

Dr Kate Exley

Cyhoeddwyd 20 Apr 2017 • 20 munud o ddarllen

This resource has been produced with three aims – 1. To help PGRs gain confidence, knowledge and skills in their new teaching role 2. To prompt PGRs to reflect upon the knowledge and skills they gain through their teaching responsibilities that


Small group teaching | Large group teaching | Providing feedback |

0 cydnabyddiaeth

Small group teaching: Methods & Techniques

Dr Nathan Roberts

Cyhoeddwyd 19 Apr 2017 • 4 munud o ddarllen

‘Mixing it up’ is important. You can’t please all the people all the time but designing your small group teaching session with ‘variety’ in mind allows your learners to work in their comfort zones for some of the time and provides them


Small group teaching

30 cydnabyddiaeth

Cyfrannu at yr Hwb Dysgu

Mae'r Hwb Dysgu wedi ei greu gan academyddion i academyddion, ac rydym yn eich annog chi i rannu unrhyw beth sydd yn cefnogi, amlygu neu adlewyrchu ar dysgu ac addysgu yma ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.

Mae hwn yn gyfle i gymryd rhan weithredol o'r gymuned ddysgu yng Nghaerdydd, i rannu eich arbenigedd gyda'ch cyd-weithwyr.