Cynorthwyo myfyrwyr
Mwy am y pwnc hwn
Astudiaethau achos
Pod JOMEC Cymraeg
Sian Lloyd and Andrew Weeks
Cyhoeddwyd 23 Jul 2021 • 15 mun o ddarllen
Yn yr cyflwyniad yma o’r Gynhadledd Dysgu ac Addysgu 2021 mae tîm Pod JOMEC Cymraeg yn trafod eu cyfres o bodlediadau a’r broses cynhyrchu a chomisiynu, datblygu eu sgiliau digidol, a datblygu sgiliau i’r gweithle.
Ways of learning | Digital & Information Literacy | Enterprise & Employability | Engaging with student feedback |National Software Academy
Carl Jones
Cyhoeddwyd 06 Apr 2017 • 8 munud o ddarllen
Preparing students for employment - A new kind of curriculum
Ways of learning | Learning journeys |Lesson Planning Guidance
Dr Iain Mossman
Cyhoeddwyd 20 Apr 2017 • 10 munud o ddarllen
A short visual guide on how to design and plan a lesson
Ways of learning | Small group teaching | Large group teaching |Myfyrio ar fyfyrdodau
Dr Kate Gilliver
Cyhoeddwyd 21 Jul 2021 • 15 munud o ddarllen
Mae'r cyflwyniad hwn o Gynhadledd Dysgu ac Addysgu 2021 yn trafod yr hyn y mae ysgrifennu myfyriol fel asesiad wedi’i ddatgelu am brofiad myfyrwyr o ddysgu gweithredol mewn pandemig.
Ways of learning | Designing for distance learners | Engaging with student feedback | Assessment design | Providing feedback | Supporting Placement Learning |Transformation to “Experiential Learning”, a case study
Dr Vicki Stevenson
Cyhoeddwyd 26 Jan 2024 • 7 munudutes o ddarllen
Dr Vicki Stevenson, of Cardiff University's Welsh School of Architecture presents at the 2019 Learning & Teaching Conference, hosted by the CESI, a case study on: Transformation to “Experiential Learning”
Ways of learning | Flipping the classroom | Facilitating group work | Small group teaching | Large group teaching | Delivering lectures |Working with Welsh language Champions
Elliw Iwan
Cyhoeddwyd 23 Jul 2021 • 15 munud o ddarllen
Mae'r cyflwyniad hwn o Gynhadledd Dysgu ac Addysgu 2021 yn esbonio sut y gweithiodd grŵp o Hyrwyddwyr Myfyrwyr gyda Mentimeter i gyfieithu ei ryngwyneb i'r Gymraeg.
Ways of learning | Engaging with student feedback | Facilitating group work |Adnoddau Caerdydd
National Software Academy
Carl Jones
Cyhoeddwyd 06 Apr 2017 • 8 munud o ddarllen
Preparing students for employment - A new kind of curriculum
Ways of learning | Learning journeys |Lesson Planning Guidance
Dr Iain Mossman
Cyhoeddwyd 20 Apr 2017 • 10 munud o ddarllen
A short visual guide on how to design and plan a lesson
Ways of learning | Small group teaching | Large group teaching |Active Learning: the student perspective
Sophie Timbers and Mo Hanafy
Cyhoeddwyd 19 Apr 2017 • 5 munud o ddarllen
What is "active learning,' how is it effective and what are the possible drawbacks?
Ways of learning | Engaging with student feedback |Learning Partnerships – Co-design workshop
Christopher John
Cyhoeddwyd 27 Nov 2019 • 30 munud o ddarllen
This workshop plan, adapted from the 7Cs of Learning Design (University of Leicester, 2019) and based on co-design experience at the School of Social Sciences and the School of Pharmacy, describes the steps in facilitation of a co-design workshop
Ways of learning | Learning journeys |Computing for Maths
Cardiff University Enterprise Team
Cyhoeddwyd 19 Apr 2017 • 5 munud o ddarllen
Computing for Mathematics is a first year 20 credit module that is core to all first year Mathematics students at Cardiff University. It was delivered for the first time in 2013-2014 over both semesters to in advance of 150 students by Dr Vince
Ways of learning | Learning journeys | Enterprise & Employability |Interpreting and expressing learning outcomes in learning design
Christopher John
Cyhoeddwyd 17 Jan 2020 • 30 munud o ddarllen
This resource is a tutorial, based on experience at Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, provides a grounding in learning outcome interpretation and expression using the ABC learning design method from University College London.
Ways of learning | Learning journeys |Cyfrannu at yr Hwb Dysgu
Mae'r Hwb Dysgu wedi ei greu gan academyddion i academyddion, ac rydym yn eich annog chi i rannu unrhyw beth sydd yn cefnogi, amlygu neu adlewyrchu ar dysgu ac addysgu yma ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.
Mae hwn yn gyfle i gymryd rhan weithredol o'r gymuned ddysgu yng Nghaerdydd, i rannu eich arbenigedd gyda'ch cyd-weithwyr.