Professor of Political Philosophy and International Relations, David Boucher is currently enjoying an international renaissance of his book Dylan and Cohen: Poets of Rock and Roll.
Mae dwy academydd y Gyfraith wedi’u dewis fel testunau ar gyfer arddangosfa ffotograffiaeth fydd yn dangos amrywiaeth o fenywod nodedig sy’n cyfrannu at fywyd Prifysgol Caerdydd.
In a month when accident compensation has again made front page news, Professor Richard Lewis has published a key article on the tactics used by lawyers when negotiating the settlement of claims.
This March, the School of Law and Politics hosted a most timely public lecture from Professor Carl Baudenbacher, President of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Court.
Cyflwynwyd gwobr 'Cydweithio Gorau rhwng Prifysgol a Chyflogwr' i Ysgol y Gyfraith a Gwleidyddiaeth eleni yng Ngwobrau Cenedlaethol Cyflogadwyedd Israddedigion.