Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Blaenoriaethau ymchwil yn y DU ar Anhwylder Cydlynu Datblygiadol (DCD)

Blaenoriaethau ymchwil yn y DU ar Anhwylder Cydlynu Datblygiadol (DCD)

Gan weithio gyda rhanddeiliaid, byddwn ni’n cyd-greu rhestr o 10 o’r prif flaenoriaethau ymchwil ar Anhwylder Cydlynu Datblygiadol (DCD), gan sicrhau bod ymchwil yn y dyfodol yn berthnasol ac yn fuddiol.

Asesu offer unedig ar gyfer gwerthuso beirniadol wrth adolygu ymyriadau’n gyflym

Asesu offer unedig ar gyfer gwerthuso beirniadol wrth adolygu ymyriadau’n gyflym

A yw offer unedig yn fwy effeithlon o ran amser nag offer ar gyfer mathau penodol o astudiaethau wrth adolygu effeithiau ymyriadau’n gyflym?

WISH: Arolwg Mewnwelediadau Iechyd yn y Gweithle

WISH: Arolwg Mewnwelediadau Iechyd yn y Gweithle

Datblygu arolwg i ddysgu mwy am y materion sy'n effeithio ar iechyd a lles myfyrwyr sy'n astudio Nyrsio, Bydwreigiaeth ac Iechyd Perthynol.

Astudiaeth gwaith Radiograffwyr Diagnostig 24/7

Astudiaeth gwaith Radiograffwyr Diagnostig 24/7

Ymchwilio i agweddau cadarnhaol a negyddol patrymau shifft nos mewn radiograffeg diagnostig

Gofal mewn argyfwng i blant a phobl ifanc

Gofal mewn argyfwng i blant a phobl ifanc

Rydyn ni’n edrych ar y ffordd y mae gofal i blant a phobl ifanc mewn argyfwng iechyd meddwl yn cael ei gynnal, ei brofi a'i gyfuno’n rhan o wasanaethau lleol.

Consortiwm ATLAS

Consortiwm ATLAS

Mae teithio llesol yn cyfrannu at wneud Cymru’n lle iachach ac yn fwy cyfartal. Mae’n lleihau allyriadau carbon a thagfeydd, ac yn cynyddu rhyngweithio cymdeithasol gan greu rhagor o gydlyniant yn ein cymunedau.

Cyd-ddylunio adnoddau hyfforddi hunanreoli ar gyfer gofalwyr oedolion hŷn

Cyd-ddylunio adnoddau hyfforddi hunanreoli ar gyfer gofalwyr oedolion hŷn

Rydym yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â gofalwyr i ddatblygu adnoddau hyfforddiant hunanreoli i'w helpu i gefnogi'r bobl y maent yn gofalu amdanynt i wneud penderfyniadau am eu gweithgareddau bob dydd.

Treialu graddfa arsylwi lles (WEBS) gyda phlant gan ddefnyddio'r Innowalk.

Treialu graddfa arsylwi lles (WEBS) gyda phlant gan ddefnyddio'r Innowalk.

Datblygwyd graddfa lles gyda phlant a phobl ifanc anabl, gan ddefnyddio'r Innowalk.

Multi-domain self-management in older people with osteoarthritis and multi-morbidities

Multi-domain self-management in older people with osteoarthritis and multi-morbidities

Evaluating the effectiveness of TIPTOE self-management intervention to improve pain and function for older adults.

Rhagsefydlu cynhwysol (I-Prehab) i fynd i'r afael ag anghydraddoldebau ynglŷn â deilliannau canser

Rhagsefydlu cynhwysol (I-Prehab) i fynd i'r afael ag anghydraddoldebau ynglŷn â deilliannau canser

Mae rhagsefydlu (prehab) yn paratoi pobl ar gyfer triniaeth canser ac yn eu helpu yn ystod y driniaeth i fwyta'n dda ac i fod yn gorfforol actif ac yn emosiynol wydn.

TRACT: Gwneud gwaith anweledig, yn weladwy

TRACT: Gwneud gwaith anweledig, yn weladwy

Mae TRACT yn adnodd digidol sy'n helpu nyrsys i asesu, mesur a chynllunio gwaith rheoli llwybrau gofal.

INHABIT: Rhyngweithiadau plant a phobl ifanc â'u hamgylcheddau naturiol ac adeiledig

INHABIT: Rhyngweithiadau plant a phobl ifanc â'u hamgylcheddau naturiol ac adeiledig

A ninnau’n grŵp rhyngddisgyblaethol, rydym yn cynhyrchu atebion arloesol sy'n gwella bywydau plant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru.

Hanfodion gofal iechyd meddwl mewn ymarfer nyrsio

Hanfodion gofal iechyd meddwl mewn ymarfer nyrsio

Nod y prosiect hwn yw datblygu dealltwriaeth ddiwylliannol o'r gwahaniaethau a'r tebygrwydd rhwng safbwyntiau myfyrwyr nyrsio israddedig ar hanfodion gofal iechyd meddwl mewn ymarfer nyrsio.

Technolegau monitro iechyd corfforol mewn lleoliadau iechyd meddwl

Technolegau monitro iechyd corfforol mewn lleoliadau iechyd meddwl

Mae gan bobl â salwch meddwl difrifol iechyd corfforol sy’n waeth na'r boblogaeth yn gyffredinol, sef rhwng 13 a 30 mlynedd yn llai o ddisgwyliad oes. Mae hyn yn amlygu'r angen i fonitro iechyd corfforol defnyddwyr gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl yn well.

PRO-JUDGE: Barn Broffesiynol Nyrsys mewn Systemau Staffio Nyrsys yng Nghymru a Lloegr

PRO-JUDGE: Barn Broffesiynol Nyrsys mewn Systemau Staffio Nyrsys yng Nghymru a Lloegr

Bob dydd mewn lleoliadau gofal iechyd ledled y byd gwneir penderfyniadau ynghylch a oes digon o nyrsys ar gael i ddiwallu anghenion cleifion. Sut bydd y penderfyniadau hyn yn cael eu gwneud?

End of life care for people with severe mental illness (the MENLOC study)

End of life care for people with severe mental illness (the MENLOC study)

This project is synthesising research and other evidence relating to end of life care for people with severe mental illness.

Using artificial intelligence to personalise exercises for people with low back pain

Using artificial intelligence to personalise exercises for people with low back pain

The project is applying machine and deep learning to train AI to classify human motion from LBP patient videos to select personalised exercises and offer feedback adjusted to person’s (dis)ability.

COV-ed Nurse: A UK-wide study hearing from student nurses in practice during COVID-19

COV-ed Nurse: A UK-wide study hearing from student nurses in practice during COVID-19

Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the practice experiences of undergraduate nursing students will help us understand how best to offer support.

Facilitating continence for people with dementia in acute hospital settings

Facilitating continence for people with dementia in acute hospital settings

Using sociology to improve the quality and humanity of care for people with dementia in acute hospitals.

Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis

Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis

We have the skills and facilities that are successfully delivering a "step-change" in treatment and the understanding of osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders.

The ICON study: an ongoing study of the impact of COVID-19 on the nursing workforce

The ICON study: an ongoing study of the impact of COVID-19 on the nursing workforce

A survey to evaluate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the UK’s nursing and midwifery workforce has highlighted important mental health concerns.

Improving access to support for those with psoriasis to make lifestyle behaviour changes

Improving access to support for those with psoriasis to make lifestyle behaviour changes

Integrating well-being and behaviour change into dermatology care across the UK.

Experiences of transitioning to work in radiotherapy during COVID-19

Experiences of transitioning to work in radiotherapy during COVID-19

Exploring the experiences of newly qualified therapeutic radiographers transitioning to work during the pandemic

Paediatric early warning system utilisation and mortality avoidance

Paediatric early warning system utilisation and mortality avoidance

A system-wide approach to early warning in paediatrics - utilisation and mortality avoidance

Evaluating 'Freedom to Speak Up Local Guardians'

Evaluating 'Freedom to Speak Up Local Guardians'

Understanding an innovative role in NHS England intended to support staff to speak-up.

EWWD Project

EWWD Project

A machine learning, AI driven platform with a remote monitoring system to support rehabilitation.

Establishing the safety of water birth for mothers and babies

Establishing the safety of water birth for mothers and babies

The POOL study is evaluating the safety of water births for mothers and babies.

The challenges of cancer and disability study

The challenges of cancer and disability study

For cancer services to be truly inclusive, they need to be relevant and patient centred, considering the needs of people with disabilities.

Peritoneal dialysis and peritonitis: the experiences of patients and their families

Peritoneal dialysis and peritonitis: the experiences of patients and their families

Exploring what people using peritoneal dialysis know about infection.

Examining brain activity during motor learning in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder

Examining brain activity during motor learning in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder

The CoMB Study is investigating what happens in the brain when children with motor difficulties observe and perform actions.

Knee conditions: evaluating movement toolkit interventions

Knee conditions: evaluating movement toolkit interventions

Integrating a novel portable toolkit into physiotherapy interventions.

Cancer immunotherapy: experiences of patients and healthcare professionals

Cancer immunotherapy: experiences of patients and healthcare professionals

This project aims to understand people’s experiences of cancer treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors, associated support and education needs.

Reducing fatigue in women undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer

Reducing fatigue in women undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer

We test the feasibility of a novel approach to predicting and minimising fatigue related to cancer treatment

Measuring the impact of living with serious skin conditions

Measuring the impact of living with serious skin conditions

The development, refinement and use of an impact measure for the disease burden in skin disorders.

Addressing moral distress among nurses after the COVID-19 emergency

Addressing moral distress among nurses after the COVID-19 emergency

This project investigates Covid-19 related moral distress among Registered Nurses in Wales and assesses the acceptability of an accessible, tiered psychological intervention.

Road safety education for children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD)

Road safety education for children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD)

Primary school aged children perform more accurately in first person road crossing tasks.



Crisis responses for children and young people: an evidence synthesis of effectiveness, experiences and service organisation (CAMH-Crisis).

Decision-making at the end of life for patients with dementia

Decision-making at the end of life for patients with dementia

Decision making in EoLC can be a clinically complex and emotionally distressing situation for any clinician, and for those patients with dementia it can be particularly challenging.

Using Huntington’s disease clinics to promote physical activity

Using Huntington’s disease clinics to promote physical activity

Exploring how physical activity for people with Huntington’s disease be promoted within specialist HD clinics.

Home-based activity for people with lung cancer and established weight loss

Home-based activity for people with lung cancer and established weight loss

Physical activity can improve quality of life for lung cancer patients struggling with weight loss.

Eating during chemotherapy treatment for colorectal cancer

Eating during chemotherapy treatment for colorectal cancer

Patients with colorectal cancer receiving chemotherapy treatment are at nutritional risk, but few are concerned about dietary intake or weight.

Crisis resolution for people with dementia living at home

Crisis resolution for people with dementia living at home

This project explores the problem of crisis for people with dementia living at home.

Adolygu strategaethau i fynd i'r afael ag ymddygiadau amhroffesiynol ymhlith staff gofal iechyd

Adolygu strategaethau i fynd i'r afael ag ymddygiadau amhroffesiynol ymhlith staff gofal iechyd

Nod y prosiect hwn yw gwella dealltwriaeth o ymddygiadau amhroffesiynol mewn lleoliadau gofal iechyd a sut y gellir rheoli a lliniaru'r rhain orau.

Gwerthuso rheolaeth niwral gweithgarwch cyhyrau calch is wrth gerdded

Gwerthuso rheolaeth niwral gweithgarwch cyhyrau calch is wrth gerdded

Y prosiect hwn yw'r cam cyntaf o ran sefydlu dulliau i werthuso rheolaeth cortigol a'r asgwrn cefn ar weithgarwch cyhyrau'r goes.

COMSTIG: Motor Cortex Magnetic Stimulation during Gait

COMSTIG: Motor Cortex Magnetic Stimulation during Gait

Yn y prosiect hwn rydym yn dylunio ac yn profi system i ganiatáu ysgogi'r ymennydd nad yw'n ymledol wrth gerdded yn y ffrwd.