Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


The Cardiff University Midwifery Society go the extra mile to deliver kindness and support to women in maternity care

3 Chwefror 2021

The pro-active and thoughtful group have set up donation points where they collect gifts which are later distributed to women who are due to or have just given birth.

Nursing Team Launch New Educational Podcast

18 Ionawr 2021

In a world where our media is saturated with health data and statistics, the podcast aims to take the listener's attention away from the numbers and on to the people.

Professor Daniel Kelly receives OBE for his services to Cancer Care Research and Education, Nationally and Internationally

8 Ionawr 2021

Professor Kelly is hugely recognised for his long-standing research career and for his position as Chair of Nursing Research at the Royal College of Nursing. We talk to him about his recent and well-deserving achievement.

Professor Anthony Campbell and Professor Barbara Chadwick

Anrhydeddau Blwyddyn Newydd

8 Ionawr 2021

Mae aelodau o gymuned y Brifysgol wedi'u hanrhydeddu yn Anrhydeddau Blwyddyn Newydd y Frenhines

Lansio astudiaeth Nyrsio COV-Ed

4 Rhagfyr 2020

Caiff astudiaeth newydd ei lansio ar draws y DU yr wythnos hon sy'n edrych ar sut mae pandemig COVID-19 wedi effeithio ar fyfyrwyr nyrsio ail a thrydedd flwyddyn.

Nurse and patient holding hands

Gwella gofal canser yng Nghymru a’r tu hwnt

17 Tachwedd 2020

Mae Ysgol Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd ac Ymddiriedolaeth Prifysgol Felindre’r GIG yn cydweithio i ehangu ymchwil a sefydlu canolfan gydnabyddedig i hybu rhagoriaeth nyrsio, arbenigedd iechyd cysylltiedig a gwyddorau gofal iechyd ynghylch gofal ac ymchwil canser yng Nghymru a’r tu hwnt.

Professor Dianne Watkins receives OBE in Queen’s Honours List

14 Hydref 2020

Professor Dianne Watkins, Professor of Public Health Nursing at School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University, has been awarded an OBE for her services to Nursing Education and Research.

Cardiff University researchers support the development of software set to revolutionise physiotherapy

19 Mehefin 2020

Researchers from the School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University have joined forces with The Open University (OU) to develop free software...

Llwyddiant i’r proffesiynau iechyd yn y tablau cynghrair

10 Mehefin 2020

Mae Ysgol y Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd wedi cadarnhau ei lle fel un o'r sefydliadau blaenllaw ar gyfer ei phynciau iechyd yng Nghymru ac yn y DU.

Diweddariad Therapi Proton newydd i'r cyfleusterau Radiotherapi

13 Mai 2020

Ysgol Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd yw'r sefydliad cyntaf yn y DU i ychwanegu technoleg Therapi Proton i'w chyfleusterau radiotherapi trawiadol