Public and patient involvement
Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Watch why we i
We provide members of the public, service users and carers with the opportunity to have their voices heard and acted upon.
We are committed to patient and public involvement and engagement and have established a Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Group.
I was a nurse and a lecturer for many years. I have had breast cancer and my husband died from lung cancer. As a result I have become involved in the School of Healthcare Sciences, talking in particular from a patient and carer perspective. I hope and believe I can help other patients and carers in the future.
Opportunities for involvement

Our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Group works to encourage members of the public, service users and carers to become involved in a range of activities associated with the School of Healthcare Studies.
Opportunities may include:
- Assisting in the interview process for potential students and academic staff.
- Helping and providing your experience in the design of a new course of study or the improvement of current courses of study.
- Helping and providing your experience in the development of individual modules of learning.
- Helping and providing your experience in the assessment of learning.
- Helping and providing your experiences in Research.
- Providing or supporting teaching and learning.
- Being a critical friend in the revalidation of courses of study working with other professional bodies and other stakeholders.
- Our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement group welcomes participation by individuals with Protected Characteristics.
If you wish to get involved in the Civic Mission in the School of Healthcare Sciences.