Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Our programmes combine our research with innovative approaches to literature, creative writing, language and philosophy (and the links between them).

Our courses engage with real-world issues and challenges, ensuring that our degrees are excitingly relevant to your place in that world.

Saesneg Iaith

Saesneg Iaith

Develop an understanding of how language works as a system, how it shapes the world around us, and how it intersects with culture, society, and politics.

Llenyddiaeth Saesneg

Llenyddiaeth Saesneg

Dewch i ddarganfod cyfoeth hanesyddol Llenyddiaeth Saesneg, o gyfnod yr Eingl-Sacsoniaid i'r unfed ganrif ar hugain.



Mae astudio gradd mewn athroniaeth yn gyfle i chi fireinio eich sgiliau dadansoddi a rhesymu.

Rhaglenni cydanrhydedd

Rhaglenni cydanrhydedd

Mae astudio rhaglen cydanrhydedd yn rhoi'r cyfle i chi arbenigo mewn dau bwnc prifysgol.

Astudio dramor

Astudio dramor

Gallwch wneud cais i astudio dramor trwy ein partneriaethau rhyngwladol.

Our teaching

At Cardiff University there is a vital link between teaching and research. This means that you will be taught by internationally recognised experts who have published extensively in their fields.

It also means that you will learn how to read closely, critically evaluate information and produce articulate, fresh essays characterised by lively thinking and high professional standards of presentation.

Our programmes give you the freedom to construct your own pathway through the degree and develop your particular interests in an informed way.