1. Works | - Invisible Cities
- 'Site'-specific Opera: Invisible Cities and Postminimal Opera in the Age of YouTube - Cecilia Livingston
- Telling Stories: Repetition Elaboration, and Memory-Making in Invisible Cities - Kathryn Caton
- WTC 9/11
- Modes of Compositional Engagement in Steve Reich's WTC 9/11 (2010) - Celia Fitz-Walter
- 'Simply Sitting': Interpretations of Shmira in Steve Reich's WTC 9/11 - Ryan Hepburn
2. Composition/Process | - Coloratura Through Minimalist Grid: Institutional Theory of Art and Un'Opera Italiana by Tom Johnson - Jelena Novak
- (In)Determinate Process in Philip Glass's 1+1 - Martin Ross
- Singing from the Same Hymn Sheet? A Reconsideration of John Cale and Terry Riley's Church of Anthrax - Pwyll ap Siôn and Richard Witts
- Electrifying the Compositional Process: Steve Reich, The Four Sections, Electric Counterpoint, and a Macintosh Computer - Twila Bakker
3a. Pop/Minimalism | - Black Minimalism: Reframing Minimalism in Popular and Electronic Dance Music, Between Hyperlocalization and Transnational Networks - Lorenzo Montefinese
- The Parallel Histories of Minimalism and Detroit Techno - Mark Perry
- Pop as Minimalism: How Loops Affect Mediation, Materiality and Expressivity in Contemporary Pop Music - Anders Reuter
- How the Minimalist Elements of the Avant-Garde Were Subsumed into the Development of Post-punk and New Wave Bands of the Late 1970s - Simon Strange
3b. Perception/Analysis | - A Curriculum of Repetition: Developing Analytical Models - Tom Baker
- IMPEA: A Listening and Analysis Model - David Garner
- Lecture-recital: Ensemble Interaction and Game Procedures in Gradual Process Music - Richard Glover
4a. Prog/Minimalism | - Minimalist Process as Metaphysical Praxis in the Music of Magma - Jedd Schneider
- King Crimson: Minimalism and Popular Music - Jacopo Conti
4b. David Lang | - The Difficulty of David Lang's the whisper opera - Victoria Aschheim
- My Favourite Year: Producing David Lang's Elevated for the Stage - Jerry Pergolesi
5. Three Sites | - Alvin Curran in Italy: Minimal Music/Maximal Counterculture - Daniel Varela
- Live Batts!!! Late British Digital Systems Music: Dogs, Lions, and All - Virginia Anderson (2)
- Paul Dresher: West Coast Maverick - Dean Suzuki
6a. Gilberto Mendes | - Bandeira. Bertolucci. Issa. Cortázar. Intertextuality and Impurity in Mendes' Post-Minimalism - Rita Domingues
- Lecture-recital: Minimalist Aspects in Gilberto Mendes' Work and in My Own Music - Tarso Ramos
6b. Perception/Analysis | - Teleology Thwarted: Towards a Typology of Minimalist Repetition - Maarten Beirens
- Desert Plants and Dronoclasm: On the Difficulty of Describing the Experience of Minimalist Music - James Kopf
- Towards Understanding Canonic Creativity in Steve Reich's Later Music - Jason Jedlicka
7a. Performance/Embodiment | - Assembling 'Meredith Monk and Vocal Ensemble', 1975-86 - Ryan Ebright
- Minimalist Enlightenment: Racialized Alpha Activity in Pauline Oliveros's Meditation Project -Tysen Dauer
- Choreographing Minimalist Music - Stephanie Schroedter
7b. And/On Screen | - 'The Grid' (Daft Punk, not Philip Glass): Minimalism and Retrofuturist Film and Television Soundtracks - Adam Harper
- Sampling Minimalism in the Scores of Ex Machina and Annihilation - Leah Weinberg
- Scoring Suburbia: The Uses and Influences of Minimalist Techniques Within Thomas Newman's Score for American Beauty (1999) - Charis Richardson
8. Canto Ostinato (plus Ian Pace?) | - Minimalism and Indeterminacy: An Examination of the van Veen Recordings of Canto Ostinato - Stacey Low
- The Role of Repetition in Simeon ten Holt's Canto Ostinato - Keith Potter
9. And/On Screen | - The Koyaanisqatsi Effect: The Memetic Impact of Philip Glass's Score on Modern Documentary Filmmaking - Andrew Granade
- Looping, Extended Vocal Techniques, and Post(pop)minimalism in Recent Film Soundtracks - John Richardson and Anna-Elena Pääkölä
10. Reception/Recording | - Perceptions of and Responses to American Minimalist Music within Contemporary Russia - Tara Wilson
- 'Philip Glass Stinks': A Reflection on the Ideology Behind Some Criticisms of Minimalist Music Addressed by Contemporary Music Composers - Sarah-Anne Arsenault
- A Record of Minimalism: John Adams and Robert Hurwitz at Nonesuch - Robert Fink
11. Lecture-recital | 600 Lines for solo guitar - Massimo Menotti |
12. Reception/Analysis | - Julius Eastman and Expressions of Objectivity in American Minimalism - George Adams
- The Truth Shall Set You Free: What Sort of Rain Did Brother Walter Really Prophesy? - John Pymm
- 'Open the Bruise Up': Identity and Memory in Steve Reich's Music - Diogo Carvalho