The inflamed mind: a radical new approach to depression
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The highly successful Science in Health Public Lecture Series is now in its sixteenth year and attracts a diverse audience of interested individuals including the public, secondary school pupils and professionals
The lectures are FREE to attend, no booking is required.There will be opportunities for sixth-form students to meet with some of the speakers before the lectures.
In this lecture Professor Edward Bullmore, Cambridge University, presents his lecture - The inflamed mind: a radical new approach to depression.
We have long known that there is a close association between depression and inflammation, but discounted it as medically inconsequential.
The new science of immuno-psychiatry is now beginning to tell a different story. Inflammation can directly cause changes in the way the brain works that could in turn cause depression. Social stress, a strong risk factor for depression, can cause inflammation.
Evolutionary theories aim to explain why stress, inflammation and depression are linked. And, looking to the future, this new understanding of the relationship between body and mind might lead to new treatments for depression and other mental health disorders.
There will be a question and answer session at the end of the lecture - questions are welcomed in both English and Welsh.
Main Building
Plas y Parc
CF10 3AT