Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


The Gravitational Physics team picking up their award.

Gravitational Physicists collect Vice Chancellor’s accolade

25 Tachwedd 2016

The Gravitational Physics Group has been awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Contribution to the University, part of the Celebrating Excellence Awards for 2016.

Gravitational Wave - Artwork

Gwaith celf wedi’i ysbrydoli gan ddarganfyddiad tonnau disgyrchol

24 Tachwedd 2016

Arlunydd o Gaerdydd i ddatgelu paentiad olew newydd sy’n crynhoi canfyddiad nodedig tonnau disgyrchol

Professor John Pickett

Athro Nodedig Anrhydeddus

24 Tachwedd 2016

Mae cemegydd blaenllaw sy'n enwog am ei ddarganfyddiadau arloesol ym maes fferomonau pryfed wedi cael teitl Athro Nodedig Anrhydeddus gan Brifysgol Caerdydd

Jeff Griffiths Triple Crown photopgraph

Triple Crown honour for Professor Jeff Griffiths

21 Tachwedd 2016

Jeff Griffiths becomes only the third person in the entire history of the OR Society to receive the Triple Crown

iGEM Team

Gwobr arian i fyfyrwyr gwyddoniaeth

17 Tachwedd 2016

Prawf gan fyfyrwyr i ganfod heintiau a drosglwyddir yn rhywiol (STIs) yn ennill medal arian mewn cystadleuaeth ryngwladol

OIl rig

Academia and marine research institutions join forces to protect the Eastern Mediterranean Sea from oil spills

17 Tachwedd 2016

A new study led by Cardiff University shows that oil slicks in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea can reach the coast in 1 to 20 days.

Social Data Science Lab awarded funding

16 Tachwedd 2016

Half a million-pound grant will enable Cardiff computer and social scientists to study big data together.

da Vinci statue and Vitruvian Man

Myfyrwyr a staff yn cyflwyno syniadau mawr i gael arian

16 Tachwedd 2016

Prifysgol Caerdydd yn cynnal 4ydd Gwobrau Arloesedd ac Effaith Da Vinci

Arkwright Scholars

Engineers of the future: Arkwright Scholars for 2016

11 Tachwedd 2016

This year the School of Engineering is sponsoring three Arkwright scholars. These STEM students from UK schools represent the engineers of the future.

Cardiff Physicists represent Wales in prestigious debating competition

11 Tachwedd 2016

Kyle and Jonathan will compete in Oxford this weekend.