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Iechyd Da Summer Header

Iechyd Da (Autumn Edition)

28 Hydref 2015

The autumn edition of our School newsletter, featuring academic achievements, research projects and international engagement.

Research insights and snapshots at 7th Public Uni event

25 Hydref 2015

Five academics, including Healthcare's Dr Ben Hannigan, presented their research in digestible bite-size chunks at the 7th Public Uni event held at Chapter Arts Centre on Thursday 15 October 2015.

Photo of Dr Afonso

Cymrawd Jane Hodge yn cychwyn rhaglen ymchwil newydd

23 Hydref 2015

Cymrawd Ymchwil newydd yn y Sefydliad Ymchwil Bôn-gelloedd Canser Ewropeaidd

Stream and trees

Ymchwil yn dangos bod coed yn helpu i ddiogelu cynefinoedd afonydd

23 Hydref 2015

Gwyddonwyr yn galw ar lunwyr polisi i blannu mwy i ddiogelu eu cynefinoedd rhag y newid yn yr hinsawdd.


Strategaeth gyffredinol i gynyddu effeithiolrwydd cyffuriau

22 Hydref 2015

Gwyddonwyr yn dylunio dull mwy effeithiol o gyflwyno cyffuriau sy'n targedu celloedd canser a chlefydau eraill.


Healthcare Sciences researcher awarded prestigious GNC Trust research grant

21 Hydref 2015

Dr Ray Samuriwo will focus on improving the quality of skin care received by patients with advanced cancer

Building blocks logo

Family Nurse Partnership called into question

21 Hydref 2015

Healthcare academics have been key to a study which questions the English Family Nurse Partnership programme

eye clinic opening

Cyfleuster gofal llygaid newydd yn agor

21 Hydref 2015

Cyfleuster newydd I hybu gofal yn gymuned.

School of Healthcare Sciences celebrate Athena SWAN Bronze award

15 Hydref 2015

The School of Healthcare Sciences has now been granted the prestigious Athena SWAN bronze award in recognition of its school achievements in progressing and supporting women in their careers in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) in higher education and research.

hallucination black and white

Rhesymoli'r afresymol

15 Hydref 2015

Sut mae rhithwelediadau yn deillio o geisio gwneud synnwyr o fyd amwys.