Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Map of London

REimagine a historic masterpiece

21 Medi 2015

REimagine, a creative global competition offering the chance of an exhibition at Cardiff University, is launched.

Professor Denis Towill 1933 - 2015

21 Medi 2015

Professor Denis Towill, Director and Founder of the Logistics Systems Dynamics Group within the Logistics & Operations Management Section of Cardiff Business School, passed away on Saturday 29 August 2015.

Flag of the People's Republic of China

Uno’r dreigiau

18 Medi 2015

Dirprwy Brif Weinidog Tsieina i oruchwylio lansiad coleg Cymru-Tsieina.

Trafod manylion y prosiect (llun gan Paul Crompton).

Mewnwelediadau iaith o daith i Namibia

18 Medi 2015

Yn yr erthygl hon, mae Dr Jonathan Morris o Ysgol y Gymraeg yn rhannu ei brofiadau o fod yn rhan o daith ddiweddar y Prosiect Phoenix i Windhoek…

First Minister of Wales, Carwyn Jones, Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China, Liu Yandong and Cardiff University Vice-Chancellor, Colin Riordan.

Enter the Dragons – Cardiff-Beijing Chinese Studies Joint College launched

18 Medi 2015

The Chinese Vice Premier unveiled a plaque in Cardiff today symbolising the launch of the new college

Hands typing on a keyboard

Enrolment information September 2015

16 Medi 2015

Enrolment information for new and returning students.

Twitter screen

Am gael noson dda o gwsg, blant?

15 Medi 2015

Adroddiad gan sefydliad ymchwil yng Nghaerdydd yn datgelu effeithiau'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol ar batrymau cwsg a lles pobl ifanc

School of Social Sciences academic recognised for contribution to educational research

15 Medi 2015

Dr Sara Delamont, Reader at the School of Social Sciences, received the British Educational Research Association’s John Nisbet Fellowship on Tuesday 15th September.

Mencap Cymru and Cardiff law students launch toolkit for adults with learning disabilities

Mencap Cymru and Cardiff law students launch toolkit for adults with learning disabilities

14 Medi 2015

Toolkits aim to empower the carers and families of adults with learning disabilities.

MRI scanner

Gwobr ar gyfer proses newydd i fapio tiwmorau newydd

10 Medi 2015

University researcher recognised for innovative approach to improve radiation treatment for cancer patients.