Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship announced

3 Rhagfyr 2015

The School of History, Archaeology and Religion is delighted to announce a prized Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship for 2016.

Students with globe

Tackling the decline in modern foreign languages

3 Rhagfyr 2015

Four Welsh universities announce programme to tackle ‘serious decline’ in foreign language take up.

Social sciences grafiti wall

Mynd i'r afael ag aflonyddu rhywiol

3 Rhagfyr 2015

Canllaw newydd i bobl ifanc ar ffyrdd diogel a chreadigol o hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb rhwng y rhywiau i sicrhau perthynas barchus

The dark arts of deception

2 Rhagfyr 2015

Cardiff University Philosopher appears in BBC Radio Four series

Promotional image for the UWE concert

Composers keep their Cardiff connection for Bristol concert

2 Rhagfyr 2015

There is a special Cardiff connection at the heart of an upcoming concert at Bristol’s Colston Hall

Refugees at the slovenian border with Croatia in Slovenia.

Small World: A Debate on Media Coverage of Global News

1 Rhagfyr 2015

Cardiff University to Chair debate discussing the media’s coverage of global news featuring senior UK news directors and editors

Panel of experts

Rome - Christian Law: An Ecumenical Initiative

1 Rhagfyr 2015

Panel of Experts met in Rome to agree submission to the World Council of Churches of a document on Christian law.

A group photo of participants in the Executive Education from China

Cardiff’s Universities deliver bespoke training for Chinese delegation

30 Tachwedd 2015

Cardiff University, University of South Wales and Cardiff Metropolitan University, recently welcomed a delegation from the Chengdu Administration Institute

Myfyrwyr o flaen Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru, Bae Caerdydd

Carfan gyntaf Cymraeg i Bawb yn dathlu diwedd y cwrs cyntaf

30 Tachwedd 2015

Carfan gyntaf Cymraeg i Bawb yn dathlu llwyddiant a chynnydd

Debussy orchestra performance

Perfformiad cyntaf recordiadau Debussy

30 Tachwedd 2015

Cerddorfa Symffoni Prifysgol Caerdydd i lansio Cryno Ddisg newydd yn Neuadd Dewi Sant