Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Practice turn workshop attendees

School welcomes world leading scholars for workshop on the Practice Turn

24 Hydref 2016

This October, Politics and International Relations staff hosted a workshop on the practice turn in International Relations.

Image of Dr Jane Lynch and Dr Sue Hurrell at the Cardiff Public Value Consortium Development Workshop

Public Value procurement workshops prove popular

24 Hydref 2016

Series of Public Value Consortium Development Workshops held during the summer

Great British Pounds

Miliynau o bunnoedd yn y fantol mewn trafodaethau hollbwysig gyda'r trysorlys

24 Hydref 2016

Adroddiad newydd gan Ganolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru a'r Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid am ddatganoli trethi i Gymru

A book cover showing a protest

Understanding the structure of social movements

24 Hydref 2016

Dr Jonathan Cable’s book sets out to go beyond the headlines of social movements to uncover their impact.

Image of participants in the Public Value Workshop

Tackling poverty through the Welsh supply chain

24 Hydref 2016

Public Value workshop addresses how the Welsh supply chain can help tackle one of society’s greatest challenges: poverty

Russian Building

Dod â dysg o Rwsia i Gymru

21 Hydref 2016

Mae academyddion o un o brifysgolion mwyaf blaenllaw Rwsia yn gwneud ymweliad cyfnewid hanesyddol â Chymru drwy gynllun rhyngwladol

Professor Ruth Milkman

Social movements explored in Ruth Milkman lecture

20 Hydref 2016

Ruth Milkman, Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the City University of New York’s Graduate Center, recently delivered a keynote lecture at the School of Social Sciences.

Welcome reception

Young Norwegians visit Cardiff amid Dahl centenary celebrations

20 Hydref 2016

A century after the birth of one of their most celebrated sons, young Norwegians have visited the city where Roald Dahl was born in a flourishing of links with Cardiff University.

EU and UK flags on beach

Dim consensws cyhoeddus ynghylch 'Brexit'

20 Hydref 2016

Data o arolwg barn yn awgrymu'n gryf nad oes unrhyw gytundeb ymhlith y cyhoedd yng Nghymru ynglŷn â’r hyn y maent am ei weld o broses Brexit

The hungry city

20 Hydref 2016

Cardiff academic presents her work on sustainable food cities at United Nations Conference