Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Map with a red pin in the city of Cardiff

Engaging people with landscapes and greenspaces

16 Ionawr 2017

New PhD opportunity to study engagement of people with their local neighbourhoods and landscapes

Demonstrating the value of ethically screened stocks

13 Ionawr 2017

Accounting & Finance research featured in Journal of Business Ethics

Charity fundraising drive raises £1,000

13 Ionawr 2017

Staff and students raise money for Cancer Research UK

Hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg

13 Ionawr 2017

Student ambassadors to encourage HE study in Welsh

Philosophy and the Post-Truth World

12 Ionawr 2017

How study of Philosophy can help make sense of ‘Post-Truth’ world

Web browser with blue overlay

150 mlynedd o hanes Prydain

11 Ionawr 2017

Dyma ganfyddiadau Data Mawr ar ôl dadansoddi mwy na chanrif o bapurau lleol

Prestigious O'Donnell Lecture returns

10 Ionawr 2017

The University is proud to continue its long-held tradition of hosting this Celtic-themed public lecture series.

Students celebrate at a Routes into Languages Spelling Bee competition

Evaluate Routes into Languages Cymru through unique PhD studentship

10 Ionawr 2017

The School of Modern Languages has recently teamed up with the British Council to offer a unique studentship which will evaluate the effectiveness of Wales’ sole language outreach programme.

A statue of Bruce Lee

Mythologies of Martial Arts is published

9 Ionawr 2017

From Bruce Lee to The Karate Kid, Professor Paul Bowman explores the myths and ideologies of martial arts in popular culture.

Japanese image

Japan: a Land of Beautiful Things

6 Ionawr 2017

Cardiff academic switches Celtic capitals to deliver talk at national museum and gallery.