Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Big data research published in leading journal

23 Awst 2017

Journal of Product Innovation Management publishes big data research

Spelling Bee winners 2017

School spellers lead the way in multilingual competition

18 Awst 2017

Pupils from over 30 Welsh schools caused a buzz this July by competing against each other in the Routes into Languages Spelling Bee.

Lording over Time

16 Awst 2017

This year’s leading Theoretical Archaeology Conference comes to Wales

A carer in an old people's home

Cynllun gofal iechyd parhaus yn ennill miloedd yn ôl ar ran cleientiaid cartrefi gofal

16 Awst 2017

A unique scheme which addresses the cost of continuing healthcare in the UK has successfully won over £60k for its clients since the beginning of 2017.

Canlyniadau rhagorol yn Arolwg Cenedlaethol y Myfyrwyr

15 Awst 2017

Wedi sgorio 92% am foddhad cyffredinol

Eight new members of academic staff appointed

95% student satisfaction

14 Awst 2017

School of Geography and Planning achieves an outstanding rate of student satisfaction

Young woman reading in library

Darllen yn Gymraeg ‘wedi'i gysylltu â'r ysgol’

11 Awst 2017

Digwyddiad yn yr Eisteddfod yn cynnig rhagolwg ar dystiolaeth sy'n edrych ar arferion darllen pobl ifanc

Four students sat on a bench

Student satisfaction is excellent in NSS 2017

10 Awst 2017

This year's National Student Survey highlights very high satisfaction with teaching, resources and management.

Music sign

96% student satisfaction

10 Awst 2017

School of Music achieves another outstanding rate of student satisfaction


Bursary award for Cardiff student

10 Awst 2017

Transport MSc student awarded Brian Large Bursary award