Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Gold Bars

Datgelu cyfrinachau aur

4 Ebrill 2017

Ymchwilwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd yn taflu goleuni ar fecanwaith sy’n gyfrifol am allu anhygoel aur i gataleiddio cynhyrchiant PVC

Zeolite simulation

Ramsay Memorial Fellowship awarded for porous materials research

24 Mawrth 2017

Dr Alexander O’Malley, postdoctoral research associate, has been awarded the prestigious Ramsay Memorial Fellowship for Chemical Science.

Professor Rudolf Allemann

Dirprwy Is-Ganghellor Newydd

24 Mawrth 2017

Penodwyd yr Athro Rudolf Allemann yn Ddirprwy Is-Ganghellor newydd a Phennaeth Coleg y Gwyddorau Ffisegol a Pheirianneg.

A topological framework model constructed from magnetic balls and sticks.

Molecular sponges the next big thing?

21 Mawrth 2017

New research into self-assembling building blocks to be featured at the Science Museum’s ‘Next Big Thing’ event

Mosquito on human skin

Creu artemisinin

15 Mawrth 2017

Ymchwilwyr ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yn dyfeisio dull newydd o gynhyrchu cyffur gwrth-falaria blaenllaw

Professor Rudolf Allemann

Creu sescwiterpenau yn y labordy

17 Chwefror 2017

Ymchwilwyr bron yn dyblu faint o'r cyfansoddyn a gynhyrchir ar y ffordd at greu moleciwl cyffur gwrth-malaria

MChem Chemistry Student Jessica Powell

Norman C Lloyd Scholarship awarded to MChem student

6 Chwefror 2017

The Norman C Lloyd Scholarship has been awarded to Jessica Powell, a current first year student on the MChem Chemistry.

NADP+ recycling system

PhD student article selected as Editors’ Choice by leading chemistry society

5 Ionawr 2017

An article by the School of Chemistry’s PhD student Antonio Angelastro, supported by Drs William Dawson and Louis Luk, has been selected as the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Editors’ Choice after being published in ACS Catalysis, a leading journal in the field.

Graham Hutchings receiving Regius Professorship

Prifysgol Caerdydd yw’r prifysgol cyntaf yng Nghymru i dderbyn teitl Athro Regius

9 Rhagfyr 2016

Cyflwynwyd Gwarant Frenhinol wedi’i llofnodi gan Ei Mawrhydi y Frenhines i Ysgol Cemeg Prifysgol Caerdydd i gyflwyno teitl Athro Regius Cemeg yn swyddogol

Developing Catalytic Technologies for Green and Sustainable Energy and Enivornment workshop

EPSRC Global Challenges funds Cardiff-China Strategic International Workshop

6 Rhagfyr 2016

Scientists from the School of Chemistry and the Cardiff Catalysis Institute organised and attended a two day collaborative workshop at Zhejiang University in China this November.