Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Mae'r astudiaeth fwyaf o'i math yn cysylltu genynnau penodol â sgitsoffrenia

6 Ebrill 2022

Dadansoddodd gwyddonwyr DNA mwy na 300,000 o bobl sydd â’r anhwylder seiciatrig yn ogystal â phobl nad yw’r anhwylder ganddynt

Ehangu cwmpas gwasanaeth cymorth iechyd meddwl er mwyn cynnwys gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol yn ogystal â gweithwyr y GIG

5 Ebrill 2022

Iechyd i Weithwyr Iechyd Proffesiynol, gwasanaeth dan arweiniad Prifysgol Caerdydd, wedi newid ei enw i Canopi

Chalk drawings by children for the rare diseases project Share Your Rare

Share Your Rare: Oriel y prosiect cyflyrau genetig prin bellach ar gael ar-lein

11 Mawrth 2022

Artists and scientists collaborate to share the stories of the rare genetic condition community.

MRC 9fed Ysgol Haf

Ymchwil i Anhwylderau'r Ymennydd: Ysgol Haf 2022. Ceisiadau nawr ar agor.

16 Chwefror 2022

Applications for our Summer School in Brain Disorders are now open.

A screenshot of James Walters and fellow speakers at a conference

A more connected world gives us a better chance of understanding mental health

3 Chwefror 2022

MRC CNGG director Prof James Walters was as a panellist at Expo 2020. He discussed how important a digitally-connected world is to advance research.

Astudiaeth yn datgelu cysylltiad rhwng datblygiad celloedd yr ymennydd a'r risg o sgitsoffrenia

14 Ionawr 2022

Astudiaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd yn 'gam mawr ymlaen' wrth chwilio am darddiad datblygiad anhwylderau seiciatrig

A pregnant woman having a consultation with a doctor

Ymchwilwyr yn darganfod y dystiolaeth enetig gyntaf a allai wahanu diagnosis o seicosis ôl-enedigol oddi wrth anhwylder deubegynol

23 Rhagfyr 2021

A new research paper on postpartum psychosis and its link to bipolar disorder has substantiated differences between the two for the first time.

A couple with a young child

Gweminar: O'r mislif i'r menopos – taith iechyd meddwl atgenhedlu

1 Rhagfyr 2021

In a webinar Professor Ian Jones and Dr Arianna Di Florio discussed their latest research into the mental health challenges women face during the menstrual cycle, childbirth and menopause.

Photo of young adults working on a project.

Astudiaeth gydweithredol yn dangos canfyddiadau newydd ynglŷn ag ADHD mewn oedolion ifanc

5 Tachwedd 2021

Professor Anita Thapar, who leads the Child & Adolescent Psychiatry section at the Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences (DPMCN), writes about the team's latest findings on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Plasma to represent brain signals

Astudiaeth newydd yn datgelu cysylltiad rhwng sgitsoffrenia ac anhwylderau niwroddatblygiadol

15 Hydref 2021

The paper also identified a set of specific mutations that are likely to increase risk for both schizophrenia and neurodevelopmental disorders.