Utilising music and AI to advance DR.VR™ and co-create a personalised Virtual Reality (VR) solution to reduce anxiety and build mental resilience in adults.
Study aim
The primary aim of this project is to co-create a personalised VR solution for people experiencing symptoms of anxiety and build mental resilience; the focus of which is to explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and music can be used to personalise experiences and increase user engagement.
Rescape have been delivering immersive therapies for over 3 years. DR.VR™ a pain and anxiety product, has been licensed and deployed with 100+ VR headset licences into a healthcare environment across the UK. The software is a class one medical device with content informed by cognitive behavioural therapy and dialectical behavioural therapy. The system is designed to work out the box and has a rigorous decontamination protocol. During the COVID-19 pandemic Rescape provided headsets to frontline staff working in intensive care settings and collaborated with the Centre for Trials Research and Cwm Taff University Health Board to undertake a brief evaluation of DR.VR™. In this work we developed a logic model mapping content components to hypothesised mechanisms of action and with additional input from a clinical psychologist created an 8-part relaxation course. In 2022 Rescape formally launched an immersive therapy solution aimed at helping NHS staff reduce their stress, anxiety and reduce burn out. This is currently undergoing a service-wide evaluation within CTUHB and this product is already making impact in several hospitals. Our next stage of development is to advance our platform to co-create a specific mental health product available to a wider and diverse audience. We want to investigate new approaches to helping with people’s mental health, primarily anxiety and mental resilience, how these therapies can be deployed, and what innovation is required to deliver at scale.
Based in South Wales
VR-MELODY is an industry-led award and will be run in South Wales. The sponsor is Rescape Innovation and the Centre for Trial Research at Cardiff University is co-ordinating the research.
Study design
This study is split into 3-phases. In phase 1 we will undertake focus groups to determine priorities for a personalised VR therapeutic solution; including identification of key components for a VR therapeutic, and user-testing requirement. The information gathered in phase 1 will be used to inform the development and prototyping of a new VR intervention. In phase 3 we will involve at-home user-testing as well as focus groups and interviews to refine the intervention in collaboration with stakeholders. If the new VR therapeutic is acceptable to the different people involved, we will design a study and apply for funding to assess if VR-MELODY can support people experiencing symptoms of anxiety and build mental resilience. We will recruit up to 80 people to take part in con-production and user testing phases of the project, 40 people who have experienced symptoms of anxiety in the past and 40 professional involved in support adults who may experience symptoms of anxiety.
Study so far
We are currently conducting user testing.
For further information email the study team at VRMelody@cardiff.ac.uk
Follow us on twitter @VR_Melody_Wales
Chief Investigator(s) | |
Funder(s) |
Innovate UK Mindset Extend Reality (XR) for digital mental health |
Sponsor | Rescape Innovation |
Key facts
Start date | 1 Apr 2023 |
End date | 31 Mar 2025 |
Grant value | £249,874 |
Status |
General enquiries
- User:
- VRMelody@cardiff.ac.uk
- Email:
- vrmelody@cardiff.ac.uk