Scroll down for Welsh / Sgroliwch i lawr am y Gymraeg Wings of Angels, Tails of Donkeys: Xenotransplantation Ethics in Islam In this lecture, Dr Mansur Ali of the Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK, explores the theological and ethical considerations of transplanting animal organs into humans within Sunni Islam. This future-oriented […]
The Islam-UK Centre is proud to be working closely with the Swiss Centre for Islam and Society in the organisation of an international conference about Muslim chaplaincy in Fribourg, 24-26 June 2025. For more details, see this link here, with the full programme and information about practicalities. This conference builds on the collaborative work we have been […]
Following his appearance on a briefing with the Religion Media Centre regarding the Assisted Dying Bill, Dr. Mansur Ali, Senior Lecturer with the Islam-UK Centre, Cardiff University, talks about the bill. Yn dilyn ei ymddangosiad ar friff gyda’r Ganolfan Cyfryngau Crefydd ynghylch y Mesur Cymorth i Farw, mae Dr. Mansur Ali, Uwch Ddarlithydd gyda Chanolfan […]
A groundbreaking new exhibition on Islam in Wales is launched at Cardiff. Scroll down for English. Mae arddangosfa newydd arloesol ar Islam yng Nghymru yn cael ei lansio yng Nghaerdydd. Sgroliwch i lawr ar gyfer Saesneg. Ddydd Iau 7 Tachwedd 2024, fe wnaeth Canolfan Islam-y DU lansio arddangosfa newydd yn Adeilad Morgannwg Prifysgol Caerdydd, yn […]
Hospitality and a warm welcome are embedded in the DNA of the Islam-UK Centre. We love to welcome visitors! But we also relish the opportunity to undertake fieldtrips, and to visit other important institutions in the landscape of Muslim communities in Britain. On 7th February 2024, Maulana Dr Mansur Ali and Professor Sophie Gilliat-Ray were […]
Sam Bartlett, part of the Muslims in Wales project, came to the Madina Mosque in Cardiff to talk about the project. Watch more in this vlog. Ymwelodd Sam Bartlett, sy’n rhan o’r prosiect ymchwil Mwslimiaid yng Nghymru, â Mosg Madina yng Nghaerdydd i sôn am y prosiect. Gwyliwch ragor yn y blog fideo hwn.
As the dust settles on another successful run of the Discovering Muslims in Britain online CPD course, now is a good time to reflect. The Islam-UK Centre team created the Discovering Muslims in Britain course and teaching resources to support Religious Education (RE) teachers across the UK as they introduce sociological perspectives in the classroom. […]
Congratulations! You’ve made the monumental decision to apply for a PhD. As a recipient of the Jameel PhD Scholarship, currently in the fourth year of my PhD at the Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK at Cardiff University, I am closely familiar with the application process. I was also previously awarded an […]
We were treated in May to the presence of a visiting scholar – Prof. Hansjoerg Schmid from the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. Hansjoerg works with the Swiss Center for Islam and Society, so you can already see some of the links between our Centre and his. Moreover, he specialises in Muslim chaplaincy, which is […]
In this vlog, the Centre’s deputy director Abdul-Azim Ahmed shares an update on his research project on Islam in Wales, with a special focus on his visit to the grave of Amelia Kadija Baksh in Carmarthenshire. The project was launched with a photo competition, and in this gallery, you can see some of the entries, […]