Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Gweithgynhyrchu TPR: Cymhwyso technoleg lefel uwch er mwyn gwella’r cynnyrch, y rheolaeth ar dechnoleg a’r monitro.
Mae Affresol Cyf. yn fusnes technoleg werdd sy’n ymroddedig i leihau ei effaith ar yr amgylchedd; mae eu hamrywiaeth arloesol o gynnyrch ac adeiladau strwythurol wedi’u creu o ganran uchel o ddeunyddiau a ailgylchwyd, ac yn darparu arbedion tymor hir, e-safonau uchel, ac ôl-troed carbon a gymeradwywyd gan yr Ymddiriedolaeth Garbon.
Mae Affresol yn gweithgynhyrchu amrywiaeth o gynnyrch gan ddefnyddio math newydd o ddeunydd cyfansawdd o’r enw Thermo Poly Rock (TPR®). Mae TPR® yn goncrid nad yw’n cynnwys sment, a gynhyrchwyd trwy broses weithgynhyrchu oer, ac sy’n defnyddio cynnyrch gwastraff plastig a ailgylchwyd, wedi’u lleihau o ran maint, a mwynau. Mae’r broses gymysgu arloesol yn cynhyrchu deunydd cyfansawdd y gellir ei fowldio, sy’n cael ei arllwys fel cymysgedd concrid traddodiadol ‘lled-sych’; yn fuan wedyn ceir adwaith ecsothermig, ac mae’r TPR® yn solet ar ôl tair awr.
Ar ôl cydweithio’n llwyddiannus ag ASTUTE yn ystod cyfnod ariannu 2010-2015, mae Affresol yn parhau i ymdrechu i sicrhau gwelliannau o fewn y cwmni, ac maen nhw’n defnyddio arbenigedd ASTUTE 2020 i ddatblygu a gwella effeithlonrwydd y broses weithgynhyrchu trwy addasu dulliau sydd eisoes yn bodoli neu greu rhai newydd sy’n fwy addas ar gyfer deunydd TPR®.
Heriau - casglu a rheoli data
Y brif her ymchwil a nodwyd oedd cynyddu capasiti a gallu gweithgynhyrchu cyfredol Affresol drwy wella’r monitro a’r rheolaeth ar y broses weithgynhyrchu.
Mae’r plastig gwastraff sy’n cael ei ddefnyddio i greu TPR® yn cynnwys amrywiaeth eang o ddeunyddiau sy’n wahanol o ran dwysedd a siâp geometrig. Ar yr un pryd, mae newidiadau mewn paramedrau amgylcheddol yn cael effaith gref ar y broses ei hun. Wrth gynhyrchu TPR®, nid oes astudiaethau hanesyddol na llenyddiaeth ddogfennol ar gael i gynorthwyo’r cwmni i addysgu gweithwyr ac ar hyn o bryd mae’r cynhyrchu wedi’i seilio ar wybodaeth a phrofiad empirig er mwyn llunio’r safonau a ddyluniwyd.
The project scope was to capture data and information on the production floor to create a documented background for TPR® manufacturing. An overview of Affresol's current capacity of plant production and capability to produce a wide variety of products was the first step towards enabling change for more efficient processes, focusing on the digitalisation of the manufacturing process.
Product simulation
The manufacturing process of TPR® was modelled and simulated and various scenarios of scaling up the production capacity were assessed virtually by ASTUTE 2020 and Affresol's technical team. Simulating extreme production scenarios ensures that Affresol is equipped for unexpected events and has a good understanding of the behaviour of the processes when changes are introduced. Risks are mitigated more efficiently and Affresol is able to apply new ideas on the virtual factory floor without disruptions or product quality discrepancies.
Monitoring and control
Establishing industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) practices and a community of systems that exchange data and take decisions without human interface was key target for improved processes. The research was completed by introducing monitoring systems which identify key parameters throughout the process and can feedback to insightful capability choices.
Intelligent systems
Affresol's technical team and ASTUTE 2020 colleagues collaborating on the project, developed a new process to collect data that is automatically processed on one software platform or for interfacing with other systems and is accessible by authorised users through any supporting devices.
The software developed within Affresol enabled data collection to be merged, identifying and storing key process indicators (KPIs), translating technical information. At the same time, a number of sensors were introduced to key points of the production floor to monitor the product quality and process efficiency at all stages.
The collaborative project has had a significant impact on Affresol from its early stages. Affresol dedicated resources throughout the duration of the research and development project with ASTUTE 2020, which assisted the company in preparing the manufacturing facility for higher production rates by successfully implementing new technologies and methods that were identified.
The ASTUTE 2020 team modelled and simulated the manufacturing process to make it easier and safer to introduce changes in the production. This had an immediate effect as the production was reorganised in three main sections and data directly related to the quality of the product enhanced the digital production information. Examples of new capabilities that were developed during the project were creating quick responses to events that may cause disruption and traceability of quality issues.
The development and introduction of these systems combined human input with machine input and through the developed web-platforms and data analytics provided a new insight into the operations of the company. The project has created a much better capability to respond to changing production parameters and finally expanding the plant capacity.
The most significant impact that materialised from the project was the employment of six additional staff members to the production team, increasing output at higher of efficiency and organisation production setup better equipped for the future.
Affresol's technical staff benefited from exposure to new ideas and experiences, as well as state-of-the-art technologies and bespoke software in further improving the methods more suitable for TPR® material; ensuring Affresol's technical staff could fully capitalise on the project's results based on their previous knowledge.
Overall, the project has improved the manufacturing process of a product that reduces the waste plastic intended for landfill; 70% of TPR® content is plastic waste, over 4 tonnes are diverted from landfill and used as an alternative to concrete while reducing CO2 emissions from traditional manufacturing of concrete.
The ASTUTE 2020 team brought a range of new and innovative ideas to the table and worked closely with our Technical Team to assess the impact and benefits. We have been delighted with the outputs from the project. Having access Cardiff University resources through ASTUTE 2020 has been a major benefit to the Affresol business and a quantifiable example of the benefits that industry can gain by working with academia.
For more information on this research, contact Theocharis Alexopoulos

Affresol Ltd. manufactures a range of products using a new type of composite material called Thermo Poly Rock (TPR).