Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Our engagement activity supports our public value ambitions and ensures that our research and scholarship can be a catalyst for provoking positive change in business and society.
We work with a range of different stakeholders to maximise our contribution to our local, national and international communities. The results of these partnerships and collaborations, with business, industry and the third sector, are significant, yet we are committed to increasing the scope of our engagement and the economic and social value it generates.
Our engagement spans a wide range of activities, initiatives and events. We want to encourage debate, improve knowledge and understanding, challenge the status quo and motivate change agents – in policy and practice.
IoD Wales

IoD Wales represents and unifies business directors from organisations of all sizes across the country. Their re-location to Cardiff Business School reflects a continued drive to lead and influence government policy and to instigate business collaborations and research with our faculty and students, for their mutual benefit.
“This is the beginning of what I believe will be a very beneficial example of mutual co-operation. It is hugely important that we see models like this develop across Wales.”
Our collaboration is emblematic of the University’s wider commitment to creating hubs for researchers and external partners. A new Innovation Campus in construction on Maindy Road is set to invite more organisations to share space with leading researchers and cutting-edge facilities.
Business in the Community (BITC) Cymru

We have a long and proud history as an advocate for corporate social responsibility and as a champion of progressive governance and community collaboration. Our BiTC Cymru membership marks a new chapter in our history and re-asserts our public commitment to helping Welsh businesses develop and succeed by maximising the commercial benefits of responsible business practice while making a real difference to the people and environment of Wales.

"I’m delighted to welcome Cardiff Business School into membership of Business in the Community. By joining, they have demonstrated that they are a progressive employer which recognises the mutual dependency of business and society, and how working together can help to bring about lasting change which benefits everyone."

Professor Tim Edwards from our Responsible Innovation Network is working closely with Enactus an organisation that aims to inspire students to improve the world through entrepreneurial action. Their most recent collaboration involved the creation of a 10-week business course for asylum seekers and refugees in the Cardiff area delivered alongside The Welsh Refugee Council. The course brings together undergraduates from Cardiff Business School and refugees and asylum seekers, with existing degrees or work experience in their home country, to develop social enterprise ideas. Participants learn about basic “start-up” techniques and employability skills, while developing their self-confidence and English language skills.
Social Enterprise UK

We’ve joined the leading global authority on business with a social or environmental mission to further enhance research and work placement opportunities for our staff and students.
With over 80,000 social enterprises nationwide, Social Enterprise UK represents organisations of all shapes and sizes to promote, lobby and give social enterprises more visibility, traction and kudos.
Membership complements our public value strategy and the work of the Responsible Innovation Network.

“I think the School can be a catalyst for further action and awareness of the role public value can play in all sectors. And, is ideally positioned to participate in a bid to make Cardiff a Social Enterprise Place – helping Cardiff as a city become a beacon of best practice.”
A multidisciplinary collaborative research and development programme part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government and its four participating Welsh Higher Education Institutions. Manufacturing SMEs throughout West Wales and the Welsh Valleys can harness world-leading research expertise through ASTUTE 2020 to facilitate implementation of new business ideas or enhance the growth prospects and long term sustainability of their existing businesses.
Superfast Broadband
This exciting research project, commissioned by the Welsh Government, is being run by the our Welsh Economy Research Unit (WERU) and is looking into the economic benefits associated with the take up of superfast broadband enabled technologies by businesses in Wales. The purpose of this research is to add value to, and gain a better understanding of, how companies can make more innovative use of the opportunities presented by reliable and high capacity internet access.
Grangetown Community Forum
This joint project between the Business School, Cardiff University’s Community Gateway engagement project and Grangetown Community Action group, led to the creation of a new business forum designed to help improve collaboration between businesses in the community and launch a ‘shop local’ scheme. Our Marketing and Strategy students worked on a project to explore and scrutinise the Grangetown Community Action group’s ambitions and provided a set of recommendations on how to achieve their aims in a cohesive and co-ordinated manner.
Encouraging debate, sharing knowledge and sparking new thinking
Public University research talks
This innovative series of public talks enables researchers from across the University to present their most exciting research in short 10-minute, digestible chunks, to a diverse audience in an informal setting. The series was co-founded by Dr Marco Hauptmeier from our Management, Employment and Organisation section.
Public Value lecture series
We have welcomed a number of prominent academics and practitioners to the School to discuss themes aligned with our public value principles. Speakers have included public and social value champions, Professor Timo Meynhardt and Professor John Brewer, alongside ethical business innovator, Laura Tenison (JoJo Maman Bébé), and noted educationist Sir Michael Barber.
Executive Education Breakfast Briefing series
The Breakfast Briefing series offers business practitioners, policy makers, media, and other stakeholders, the opportunity to hear from a range of different speakers (from the worlds of academia, government and business). They offer insight into new research and share knowledge based on their experience. The talks draw a large audience and involve stimulating debate and probing question and answer sessions.
Contact us
We want to share our scholarship and expertise and welcome your input. Talk to us, attend one of our events and help spark new research and new activity to improve social, economic and business conditions locally, nationally and globally.
Business School enterprise
Rydym yn cynnig nifer o raglenni cyffrous, gan gynnwys cyrsiau Di-wastraff a Rheoli. Mae'r rhain yn eich galluogi i gael safbwyntiau newydd ar amrywiaeth o faterion busnes a rheoli.